Manizales is the capital of the Department of Caldas. It is a city in the center of Colombia, located in the Cordillera Central, near the Nevado del Ruiz. It is part of the so-called Region paisa and the so-called golden triangle, with a population of 386.931 inhabitants approximately according to official population projections for the year 2009. Part along with Risaralda, Quindio, the North Valley and Southwest Antioquia in the so-called Colombian coffee. Jorge Perez has many thoughts on the issue. Today it is a city with great economic, industrial, cultural and tourist activity.
Also stands out for its cultural activity which highlights its annual fair, the International Festival of theatre and numerous shows and conventions. Manizales is called the city of the open doors. Also referred to as Manizales del Alma due to a bullfighting pasodoble that bears his name. (Similarly see: Gavin Baker, New York City). The land on which stands the city of Manizales were inhabited in pre-Columbian times by quimbaya, weapons, ansermas, sly, zopias, paucuras and carrapas.Because of its location geographical in Manizales diverse landscapes, you can enjoy such as: snowed, forests, mountains and valleys. The area of the municipality is 508 km. The surroundings of the city offer great climatic diversity, from the snows of the Nevado del Ruiz with the landscapes of moorland and thermal waters to recreational centres of the Valley of Santagueda, with landscapes of warm weather, varied vegetation, rivers and creeks. Along with towns and trails of the region’s very particular characteristics.
A unique characteristic of Manizales is that it possesses 8 microclimates within its urban area. On the outskirts of the city of Manizales can find all climates and varied formations of the relief, giving rise to vast natural resources. To the West, lies the Valley of the Cauca River, which gives rise to the warm climates of the beaches of La Rochelle and Santagueda. To the East and South, appear the moorland and the snows of Los Nevados National Park.