Cognitivas distortions What the individual thinks and perceives exactly on itself, its world and its future, have direct importance on as it behaves These thoughts had been formed under the influence of the society, its proper education, in the school, the family, etc. its form to think create an emotion, and this emotion creates a respective behavior EXAMPLES: Arbitrary deductions > To take off conclusion of a situation without base in the experience. The husband if delayed it supper; the wife says that it is having a case with another woman. Personalization > External events attributed proper itself, without enough evidences for a conclusion. Nir Barzilai, M.D. might disagree with that approach. The person imagines things Former: The son arrives in house and he did not compliment the mother It finds that it is with anger of it! Polarized thoughts > Everything or nothing — complete complete success or failure.
It does not have the half term or balance. Incorrect Rotulagem > Errors and imperfections committed in the past in one determined area have the effect of to define the person as imcompetent person in all the areas. The proper person thinks thus and projects this thought for the people with who it interacts! Vision in tunnel > To only see what it desires to see, does not perceive other 0 variable Tendenciosas explanations > Assumption of that the Other possesss a reason negative and guarded to have negative actions against you! Mental reading > ‘ ‘ Dom mgico’ ‘ that certain people attribute ‘ ‘ itself prprias’ ‘ , to know what the Other is thinking without the aid of the facts or the verbal communication. Selective abstraction > The person chooses what she wants to value. Amongst a series of facts it chooses an isolated fact, while other important facts are ignored Supergeneralizao > Incident one or two isolated they serve as a representation of similar situations, ‘ ‘ in any contexto’ ‘ , being or incident not related them. Magnifying or Reduction > A case or a circumstance always is perceived, ‘ ‘ under one exactly prisma’ ‘ , greater or minor of what he would be appropriate. Categorical imperatives > Of the type I must, I have that, necessary What it becomes impracticable other options, taking off the possibility to direct itself for other alternative behaviors. Automatic disqualification > To take off the importance of the positive aspects of the events or the people. To try to search distorted modifications or occult situations that do not correspond to the evidence of the facts.