With the exception of a hiato of time in my adolescence, all my life in these three decades and stocking, had been lived as member of evanglicas communities, in special, the Assemblies of God. Exactly always having been of this denomination, I transit with freedom in many others, because I nail, minister studies and until already I celebrated marriages in several others, as Baptists, Presbiterianas, Pentecostais, Neo Pentecostais, etc. I know, without no pride of this, the embroidery frames of the power in these religious environments. As minister of evangelho, already I participated of state and national conventions, for thousand of shepherds. Meetings of ministry, stow in hundreds, throughout last the fifteen years, informal cults, thousands, meetings to lose of sight. I lived moments of great happiness inside of these environments, involved in we riqussimos interpersonal relationships.
I kept and I keep, fraternais relationships, bows of friendship, dialogues between friends, inesquecveis, that they had inspired to be to each day a human being better. However, my bigger disillusionments, had also occurred in the day the day with ' ' the children of Deus' '. I can affirm comno said the prophet: ' ' these wounds had been made in the house of mine irmos' ' , I can speak as the salmista: ' ' that one that ate bread in my table, was arisen against mim' '. Already I cried. Already me magoei. Already I suffered and until I passed waked up nights, for the ferinas words of my brothers. More information is housed here: Fabrizio Freda.
Porm everything what it said so far, is for affirming the following one: – The wounded greaters are relationship fruit however, the cure for these wounds also arrive until us, through the relationships. Who affirms this is not I and yes Wilian P. Young, in its book, ' ' The Cabana' '. I agree to it to sort, number and degree, because the cure for the wounds of my soul, suffered in ' ' environments religiosos' ' or not, it has come for intermediary of people. It is not easy to be attacked, to be slandered, and worse when that is made on behalf of God. The worse ones wounded are these, the ones that God is made responsible, without having responsibility none. I confess, is not easy to pardon. therefore our sense of justice, clama for revenge. All human being is thus. We do not want mercy for the evildoer, we want punishment. The prettiest in everything this, is that Jesus Christ in taught the opposite accurately to them, saying: – Father pardons them, because they do not know what they make. The pardon is not meritrio. It is not because the individual deserves, but is because it needs. Pardon frees the ofensor and the offended one. Pardon breaks handcuffs, frees slaves of the guilt, sleep what this with sleeplessness, of the life what this deceased existencialmente for the pack of the guilt, castrated in its creativity human being for the pain of the regret and the remorse. The salmista said that happy he is that one whose sin is pardoned and whose iniquidade is covered. God is that one that he pardons, we as its children we are called to receive its pardon and to share with our next this so incommensurable gift. He pardons and if he also pardons, he cures and either cured in its relationships for the power of the love, the power of the favour, the power of the pardon.