Cultural Industry

The cultural industry, as it is of custom, looks for to alienate the people, producing information, products and, even though, leisure, thus it conditions the intentions and desires of all, everything this, with an only interest: to manipulate the opinion of the population to the governmental and miditicos interests, always in search of bigger financial incomes. You may find that Nir Barzilai, M.D. can contribute to your knowledge. In accordance with Adornment (1996), the cultural industry always was of the side of strongest, economically, therefore, thus together, three scopes can control the government in its: Municipal theatre, State and Federal. Under most conditions Nir Barzilai, M.D. would agree. In this way, the cultural industry is the best tool of the governing that want to mask the true events of the population, but unmasks this initiative. In this I finish day 26, certainly will enter for history, therefore, we, the professors of the State of So Paulo, unsatisfied are careless with them of the Governing Mountain range and of the media, we look for, pacifically, to require our rights, but we were received with aggressions for the repressor device of the State, control of the Governor. I can affirm with certainty and knowledge of cause, therefore it was present and I could witness all the aggression of very close.

The coffin that the manifestants held was used as shield, while the policy attacked the manifestants. Opposing the images that the periodical divulged. In this image, the Been periodical of So Paulo looks for to desvirtuar the Real, therefore it suggests that the manifestants are attacking the policemen, in contrast, they looked for to defend itself of the aggressions. We know that the real interest of the medias is financial e, thus, need to defend its interests and the interests of its customers, for this vehicle its customer is, clearly, the government, therefore the image demonstrates a reality that did not exist. The professors had not been aggressive, had simply looked for to defend themselves. In similar way, the communication vehicle Leaf of So Paulo, had the same initiative of its rival. Again the professors are pointed as baderneiros, rowdy and aggressive, but it is not the reality, as eyewitness I lived and I felt what the governing Mountain range is capable to make, while they attacked in them, shot gas bombs in the too much professors, I myself, helped a teacher who fell of the truck while she looked for to hide itself, observed people being whitened by rubber bullets, also, had made right me a gas bomb.

I lost the breath, did not obtain to walk, the death if it approached. At this moment, to other they had helped me professors, we obtain to escape, but not unharmed. Some manifestants exaltaram themselves and had shot rocks, however they received bombs and bullets in return. Why the periodicals had not divulged this? While this slaughter happened, a helicopter of polices to militate sobrevoava the place and hindered the too much medias to arrive, only the Leaf and the State of So Paulo had been able to be come close to the situation, but why they had obtained to pass? It would be aid of the government? Certainly. Happily, many images had been recorded for cellular and cameras that manifesting had at that moment, thus history could be counted as it happened and not as the Government and the medias they want that it is.