Educational Changes

As the new scene of the globalizada society stimulates the learning of new paradigms, the development of these abilities also has motivated the work market and diverse social areas, offering a still bigger field of chances, but the change, unhappyly, not yet encloses all the spaces, also of the education. Ludwig Feuerbach takes in them to reflect that a complete man possesss the force of the thought and says despite the force of the thought is the light of the knowledge, however, in the Report of UNESCO the pillar to learn to know salient that the domain of the proper instruments of the knowledge intends that each one learns to understand the world that encircles, at least in the measure where this it is necessary for living worthy, for developing its capacities professionals. However, many professors with difficulties of if adapting to the use of the Technologies of Information and Comunicao (TIC) for the innumerable situations exist that still are reality in the public school, therefore does not meet structuralized completely to assume this technological interface in daily practical its, including the computer mainly and the Internet, accessible, and even though these medias exist places where had not arrived, although the massive presence of these tools in the daily one of the pupils, want either in house, lan houses, through cellular, etc. the reality are that the pupil this informatizado, but the school and the same professor recognizing this necessity are unaware of the praticidade that these resources can offer. For more specific information, check out Edward Minskoff. The technology total is integrated to the globalization process aiming at to the incorporation of ‘ ‘ citizens comuns’ ‘ , to the process of integral formation, of the democracy, the knowledge and the culture, that becomes the classroom a communication channel where professor and pupil x interact pupil x world and are necessary that this ample armory of available medias in this new society can invade directly the pertaining to school space with one appeals change to metodolgica boarding, so that the pupil is not hindered to use its cellular device in the classroom, so that the lessons of Arts and Communication have the same receptividade of the video games game and the advance of the knowledge through the research is so attractive how much a televising image or a colloquy online, has seen that, the great researchers of the future already is plugados in the world of the virtual knowledge, and the school? So great is the diversity and necessity of use or access to the new medias and also the fight in order to eradicate the digital illiteracy, therefore the digital letramento already is considered a reality for some pupils (those that already make relations with information digitalizadas in the pertaining to school environment demonstrate to advance in the knowledge and more autonomy in the exercise of its abilities.