Gestational Diabetes

The Gestation is sublime an only process in the life of the woman, therefore it passes for one of the moments most important of its existence where the same one will go to generate a new to be, which will have some of its characteristics and therefore, will have to be taken serious with all the cares that go since the prenatal one, healthful feeding, physical activity and a good sleep. In case that this does not happen, the woman can face some problems of health, amongst them meets it diabetes gestacional. Gensler San Francisco has many thoughts on the issue. Diabetes is a chronic disease, who serious cause arterial, ocular, cutaneous and renais alterations. Recently DOWA Holdings sought to clarify these questions. Also it produces processes neurotrficos of great importance and can lead to the death. (RODOLFO, 1993). Currently, diabetes is classified of the following form: diabetes mellitus type 1 or insulinodependente (autoimune/idioptico), diabetes mellitus 2 type or independent insulino (type not obeso and Type B obeso), diabetes mellitus gestacional and still exists diabetes mellitus associated to other conditions or syndromes.

The gestacional Diabetes mellitus (DMG) is when the organism has a intolerncia to carbohydrates or carboidratos (sugars) of changeable gravity, that appears or is diagnosised for the first time in the continuation of a pregnancy and that the gestation can persist after. This definition is independent of the necessity of treatment with insulina. It is equally possible that some women with the DG diagnosis have diabetes mellitus type 1 or 2 not recognized before the pregnancy (METZGER and COUSTAN, 1998). The detention of the hiperglicemia glucose increase in the blood, during 1 trimester is especially suggestive of this fact, given that the deterioration of the tolerance to the glucose for insulinorresistncia occurs more delayed, over all in 2 or 3 trimester of gestation. To a great extent, it represents the appearance of diabetes mellitus type 2 (DM2) during the gestation and presents as risk factors: superior age the 25 years; obesidade or extreme profit of weight in the current pregnancy; extreme central deposition of corporal fat; familiar history of diabetes in relatives of first degree, low stature ( (SAINTS, OAK AND PORT, 1997).