Legislative Decree

The hard Peruvian reality is that, indeed, the employees of many companies come working enters 10 12 hours daily like minimum and that, in fact, their employers to only paid them by 8 hours. In Peru, according to the Ministry of Work, more of 35% of the PEA it recognizes to work more than 60 hours per week and more of a 50% it recognizes to do it over the present legal maximum of 48 hours per week. Nevertheless, the worse thing is than, according to the National Survey of Homes 2002, the 33,4% of the workers in Lima not only toil more than 60 hours, but it does to " promedio" of 71,7 hours per week. Within a clear criterion it is possible to ask to us To where they would go to stop the possible discounts (according to the nomenclature of the Regulation proportional reduction ) conducted to the personnel under the RECAS? Is necessary for its implementation the creation of a bottom of stimulus similar to the CAFAE and that is of application only to those who is under this contractual modality? Is this the opportunity to materialize a suitable and responsible administrative autonomy for the state beings? On the other hand, much taken care of with the object of delineating the limited mechanisms is due to have, every time contractual workings exist, that by their nature demand the exit of temporary detachment for duty or another analogous one that implies the exit of the labor premises. In this point the operative plans of the institutions must go of the hand with these devices thus not to incur an institutional conflict. Also, it is necessary to consider the nature of the extra payments and the way of how being they will make effective, especially if in spite of having clear that the compensation per uptime (CTS) is not in the scope of the RECAS, according to stipulated in the article 1 of Legislative Decree 650, the CTS is a social benefit that fulfills a double roll: the forecast of the contingencies that originates the cease in the work, promotion of the worker and its family.