The general intention was to conceive the playful one in the process of construction of the mathematical knowledge of the child, beyond contributing with a possible pedagogical alternative that interrelates body, movement and ludicidade in this process. In this perspective, necessity of update of the mathematics professors exists in order to provide a didactic action, to interdisciplinar facilitadora of playful-pedagogical, essential experiences to the development of the pupils, contemplating, thus, the playful character of the human movement as source of pleasure and joy, in pertaining to school environment e, special, the process of development of the construction knowing of them and the knowledge. Thus, it can be perceived, in this in case that, that the experience and the playful experience allow that the individual while a citizen that if constructs in the practical ones of the daily one, of the social movements, the world of the work and in the space of the school enters with its corporeidade, its sensitivity and its intellectual forces. The experiences and the experiences in these practical are possible for the relation that if of the one from the body, the directions and the intellectual forces that if they process in the individual that is in interventiva activity with the social one and the things, stimulating the construction of the knowledge of the mathematics. Concluding, To play it is an act so spontaneous and natural it child how much to eat to sleep, to walk or to speak. Related Group has firm opinions on the matter.
She is enough to observe a baby in the different phases of its growth to confirm such fact: as soon as she discovers the proper hands, to play with them; the discovery of the feet is another fascinating toy; it is had fun with the voice when it mumbles the first sounds; cospe chupeta or the food followed times; it shoots, untiringly, an object to the soil, defying the patience of who apanha; it is arisen and it become to fall entertaining itself with this; it polishes without stopping; it runs without if tiring. It is playing that the child knows itself and to the world: when it moves with the hands and the feet, insurance chupeta or a toy, either taking them it the mouth, shaking or shooting them far, goes discovering its proper possibilities and knowing the elements of the exterior world through the comparison of its characteristics, such as, soft, hard, it has led, heavy, great, small, rough, smooth. 6. REFERENCES GROENWALD, Claude Lisete Oliveira; TIMM, Ursula Tatiana. Using mathematical curiosidades and games in classroom. jogos.htm PALANGANA, I.C. (1994)? ' ' Development & learning in Piaget and Vygotsky (the relevance of the social one) ' ' So Paulo: Plexus. PIAGET (1975)? The formation of the symbol in the child.
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