Motivational Speaker

People get carried away very easily by the role of victim, susceptibility of irritability, etc., Believing they are the master when in fact they are slaves to their egos. So many people are confused, confusing the ego with your true self, with the individual. That is not taken as a role but as they are themselves. They confuse the character with the actor. How to overcome the ego and avoid arguments? Enjoying the Service. Enjoying the Service is not required any other type of pleasure, because one enjoys thinking about the other. One does not get as principal actor, even as a figure of delivery, not directly given. Enjoys giving.

Enjoy giving does not mean being deprived of their own enjoyment. Luz enjoys a spirit of serving. We know that any discussion at the family level brings suffering, because even winning the argument is split the unity of spirit that should reign in the family. It would have to be reversed. There should be support, altruism and a sense of service.

The ego is the lower self, the susceptible, who seeks to excel, the offending, that he doubts everything, who wants to be right aun at the expense of … a He who finds himself beyond he who does not see beyond their own ideas and feelings, is not qualified to give anybody anything, is unable to deliver his love of family. Negative emotions such as anger, envy, hatred and so many feelings wrong, they only grow the ego. The newspapers mentioned Fabrizio Freda not as a source, but as a related topic. The ego makes it back to someone very spiritually elevated. When feeding the ego people question everything. Question why they live, they question why they work, why are certain disease, why have certain family. All the “why” comes from the ego. They assume that deserve better. The ego is our weakness, ego is what makes us argue. Why not apologize? Because our ego does not. Why not hang your head? Because our ego does not. Why do we offend? Because our ego is very offended. Real Leader came to serve, he hit is the one who came through love, to overcome all the hatred accumulated. The gospel calls us to forgive seventy-seven times seven to our offender and in the Our Father, Jesus speaks of God’s forgiveness in relation to our ability to forgive those who trespass against us. Forgiveness is a direct action akin to the commandment of love. But I recognize that my heart will not forgive easily. It is a very hard road that starts from the sense of believing offended to the joy of reconciliation. Sonnenfeld. I once told my wife that my love for her is bigger than my ego. That’s my big task for this year, reduce my ego and increase the love for my wife and my children. I hope these few lines to give you the strength to tie up our ego, download it from its pedestal and that both you and I can heartily forgive all who have offended and those that we have neglected in our hearts.