Recycling is today, perhaps, the method more known and used in Projects of Ambient Education. However, some initiatives in this direction bring obtain ideological manifestations and politics, according to proper logic of the market in the confrontation of the ambient problems. For this reason, the objective of this article is to argue despite briefly the fact of that the ambient politics and especially the ones that involve the questions of the garbage and the recycling must most be elucidated for not running the risk to changed it Ambient Education into a practical education of extensionistas, that is, based in transferences techniques to know without to dialogues and questionings regarding the origin of the things. Word-Key are provided: garbage, recycling, Ambient Education, Consumerism, CapitalismoAo to argue itself concerning thematic ambient, one of the subjects most boarded certainly will be of the problematic one of the garbage, not only in as well as international national scope. The justification for such fact the easy perception of the citizen can be atrelada front to the problems caused for the lixos as in such a way visual pollution how much of the ground and waters, contamination of plants and animals, proliferation of plagues as rats and cockroachs and damages to the health human being. In the present time the ambient questions come if becoming fashion and finish for not being treated with the seriousness and depth that deserve due its great relevance in the life of all we.
If one of the debated subjects more in the ambient question is the garbage, when it is specifically about this subject, then it appears to the association to the recycling. The same it happens when it is said in Ambiental.Criou Education, then, the false idea of that recycle objects as simply plastic, paper, metal and glass decided the relative problems to the garbage. E, thus, these activities come being developed precariously for City halls, Schools, University.