Russian State Social University

When I was born, religion was banned. At 5 years old I was baptized in the homeland of his father, in Rostov-on-Don. Until now still keeps his first cross, I believe that without the protection and support than a person can do very little. I thank God for that I speak on stage, doing what he likes. Rarely ask God about anything, mostly about health and about well-being of my family, my friends. Sometimes, you walk past the church and feel: now we must go.

You can be there for half an hour, hour and defend the morning or evening service, and be sure to thank God for everything that happens in my life. It is so important to live with God in the soul. More than once I was convinced that he's with me – sends, prompts, comforts, and gives his boundless love. And my wife Lolochka completely agree with that. She says that it is through gratitude is a special communion with God and the feelings that you experience while not comparable to anything else. But more on that in a few words will not tell. Each person has his own experience in the way of understanding spiritual truths. This is the deepest meaning of life.

Well, that Russia has restored temples. By the way, my father was involved in the construction of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, it was one of his latest projects. Parents always told me: "Believe in God and everything will be fine." I am glad that RSCU many believers in children, and four years ago, means students, faculty and staff built a church dedicated to Our Lady of Theodore, the patron of mothers and Orthodox youth. Faith – an important component of the life of Russian people, and today's young people understand it. – What do you wish students RSSU that have yet to discover the new horizons of knowledge? – I'm sure if they came to the Russian State Social University, is able to achieve great things. Here, in each person sees a person and help to become leaders. I wish all students good luck RSCU, wonderful school days and conquering new heights!