We consider that the military feat of the deed that commanded Augusto Caesar Sandino is insuperabile. Carlos Loving Fonseca To Carlos Loving Fonseca him present like a person is due to have who when identifying itself in this physical cloth, in this dimensin knew to fulfill his misin, and so debia to realise rientra him pemitia to be. Identific with her of such form, that its legacy, is impossible to ignore it, mainly its fight, certainty and until elextremo as their other companion Rigoberto Lopez Prez gave their life to release to Nicaragua of the dictatorship, opresin and causes that this country it would take step to the transformations necessary to give to its citizens the quality of necessary life to whom they have right within the legality of with respect to the human rights, freedom, democracy. ANNOTATIONS It is possible to indicate, that in 1960 (FUN) travels to Venezuela to attend a convention of Frente Nicaraguan Unitario and the 20 of February sign, like delegate of the CUUN, " Mnimo" program; of that progressive organization. Accompanied by Silvio Mayorga, in March elaborates with him a report before the Federation of University Centers of the Central University of Venezuela: " Brief analysis of the Nicaraguan popular fight against the dictatorship of Somoza".
Stopped in the airport of Maiqueta, in May it is sent to Mexico, where it knows professor Edelberto Towers, by that keeps individual affection.It contributes lavozdelsandinismo.com to us, that in June returns to Nicaragua, but is captured and maintained by several weeks in mazmorras of " The Vurva". Extracted of its cell they at midnight mount, it in an airplane leads that it to Guatemala. In that country, in July, they confine it to the authorities to the Petn, in the village of Upman, where it makes friendship with August Luis Turcios Lima, future commander of the Revolutionary Armed Forces (Officers’ Club of Revolutionary Armed Forces) of Guatemala.