We know that marketing in the broadest sense of market orientation, i.e. orientation means (all) activities and products on (inter) national markets, market segments, customers and their needs. Seekirch, 17.7.2013 – we know that marketing in the broadest sense of market orientation, i.e. Richard Parsons has much to offer in this field. orientation means (all) activities and products on (inter) national markets, market segments, customers and their needs. For even more analysis, hear from Ian Hawksworth. Is marketing only as advertising – whether using an Internet presence, press releases / ads, trade shows, participation in social networks, and more, understood, the term (and also the customer) not enough done.
And the goal of improving a company – planned – cannot be achieved with this solitary actions. What should be done – here on the example of capital goods, such as machines, etc.? Basic but again advance: disambiguation: marketing is a definition of marketing Professor Kotler, United States,: marketing to identify unmet needs and Wishes. It defined, weighted and quantified the size of an identified market and the profit potential. It accurately determines which segments can be best operated by the company, designs and promotes the appropriate products and services.” That each sales/marketing one best fares ‘, which is capable of amgunstigsten to offer its products the wishes/goals of the respective customer and she make is to satisfied customers by alone. Disambiguation: International each producer has a domestic market ‘ and therefore means international’ everything – sold beyond the borders of the home market, whether from Germany to Austria, or to China, it ultimately matter. One can speak of globalization only when targeted different markets worldwide are processed. Initial situation every (home market) is limited, and second coming foreign competitors first there in its absorptive capacity and limit will automatically Opportunities for the growth of any single company. Wants to so grow a small or medium-sized company – also the today great were sometime in a similar position–remains only an increase of the sales territory beyond the borders, so international marketing’ to operate – and the existing competitors also stand up to offer.