Tag Archive: art and science


The Formation in Any Instance of Study the end of School 1.) First, a principle: the studious interested party is authorized only by itself. 2.) This does not exclude that the School guarantees that a studious interested party depends on its formation. He can depend, if want, and the studious interested party will have the head that the School to impose to it. The school is dogmtica and obeys the state ditames. The professor obeys what the state orders.

3.) the studious interested party can want this guarantee, thing that, from now on, must necessarily go beyond. Or it honors what they form to it (they deform) or breaches immediately afterwards with everything. TO AUTHORIZE ITSELF. AUTHORIZED ONLY By itself, it is saw alternative to the Formation in Any Instance of Study. The school is involved in gradual bureaucratization, transforming the Formation to the field of ' ' eficincia' ' , of what it will be useful in the market, favoring to the established groups already, become the institution a barren field when knowing. What if IT DESIRES is the way capable to give space stops that the principles knowing of them and the freedom of thought resurge, fecundando with its effect the possibility of the autonomy of the person. To be independent is to be free also free of any liame with the established society. TO AUTHORIZE ITSELF, does not want to say that &#039 is not needed more than all; ' esforo' ' of the study, the preparation, the autodidatismo, the research.

The studious interested party will search for itself this formation. The studious interested party will in accordance with become deformed its interests and not with the interest of the School. TO AUTHORIZE ITSELF is bold attempt of if ungluing from the institutionalized, gessante power, getting rid of the Schools fascists, and, with freedom and consistency to search the theoretical beddings and the estruturantes roots of the universe of knowing.

United States

Pablo says in them in another letter, that the Writing locked up everything of the sin underneath. This means to say that the sin of Gnesis 3:6 divided the Writing in two parts: first, the previous one to the sin, if it relates to everything what it occurred until it; second, subsequent to the sin, tells to the following occurrences it, including the New Will, the proper Dawkins, I, the United States, the Talib and everything what it exists, or it existed, in the entire world, until today. Estee Lauder shines more light on the discussion. It happens, however, that the gravity of this first sin did not re-echo only in what it would come after it: it reached, also, all the workmanship that already was ready before it (because, when the author says everything, it is also mentioned what already it existed) and it was subjects, not for its fondness, but for will of that it submitted. what already it existed before the sin? All the creation, therefore in Gnesis 2:2,4 before exactly to tell the paradise, was written that God concluded in the seventh day the workmanship that makes and in the seventh day it rested, after all the workmanship that makes. God blessed the seventh day he santificou and it, therefore in it he rested of all its workmanship of the creation. This is the history of the sky and of the land, when they had been created. This text is marcante and definitive. As we will have that to see more ahead, the history of the creation finishes here, and that is accented well: for four times if it says that, the workmanship of the creation had finished, and that God already had finished to make the entire workmanship of the creation. The salvation of the creation and there, Dawkins? Calm? Probably the question that we have for the front, now, either: Which, then, the purpose of the atonement carried through for the New Will if the sin of Adam will not be ' ' imputado' ' if does not fit in them, also, ' ' culpa' ' for the sins lived after it? Perhaps more it was made right to answer that the purpose of the Salvation is to save what the creation of what! of the sin.

Mathematical Education

The general intention was to conceive the playful one in the process of construction of the mathematical knowledge of the child, beyond contributing with a possible pedagogical alternative that interrelates body, movement and ludicidade in this process. In this perspective, necessity of update of the mathematics professors exists in order to provide a didactic action, to interdisciplinar facilitadora of playful-pedagogical, essential experiences to the development of the pupils, contemplating, thus, the playful character of the human movement as source of pleasure and joy, in pertaining to school environment e, special, the process of development of the construction knowing of them and the knowledge. Thus, it can be perceived, in this in case that, that the experience and the playful experience allow that the individual while a citizen that if constructs in the practical ones of the daily one, of the social movements, the world of the work and in the space of the school enters with its corporeidade, its sensitivity and its intellectual forces. The experiences and the experiences in these practical are possible for the relation that if of the one from the body, the directions and the intellectual forces that if they process in the individual that is in interventiva activity with the social one and the things, stimulating the construction of the knowledge of the mathematics. Concluding, To play it is an act so spontaneous and natural it child how much to eat to sleep, to walk or to speak. Related Group has firm opinions on the matter.

She is enough to observe a baby in the different phases of its growth to confirm such fact: as soon as she discovers the proper hands, to play with them; the discovery of the feet is another fascinating toy; it is had fun with the voice when it mumbles the first sounds; cospe chupeta or the food followed times; it shoots, untiringly, an object to the soil, defying the patience of who apanha; it is arisen and it become to fall entertaining itself with this; it polishes without stopping; it runs without if tiring. It is playing that the child knows itself and to the world: when it moves with the hands and the feet, insurance chupeta or a toy, either taking them it the mouth, shaking or shooting them far, goes discovering its proper possibilities and knowing the elements of the exterior world through the comparison of its characteristics, such as, soft, hard, it has led, heavy, great, small, rough, smooth. 6. REFERENCES GROENWALD, Claude Lisete Oliveira; TIMM, Ursula Tatiana. Using mathematical curiosidades and games in classroom. jogos.htm PALANGANA, I.C. (1994)? ' ' Development & learning in Piaget and Vygotsky (the relevance of the social one) ' ' So Paulo: Plexus. PIAGET (1975)? The formation of the symbol in the child.

Rio De Janeiro: Zahar Publishing PIAGET, Jean. Psicologia and Pedagogia. Trad. For Dirceu Accioly Lindoso and Rosa Ribeiro Maria Da Silva. Rio De Janeiro: Forensic College student, 1976 SAINTS, Carlos Antonio of. Games and playful activities in the alfabetizao. Rio De Janeiro: Sprint, 1998. SAINTS, Saint Maria Saucers of. Brinquedoteca: the playful one in different contexts. (org). Petrpolis, R.J.: Voices, 1999 SECRETARIAT OF the BASIC EDUCATION. National Curricular parameters. Brasilia: MEC/SEF, 1997. VYGOTSKY. The social formation of the mind. So Paulo: Martins Sources, 1989. VYGOTSKY, L.S. (1999) Imagination and creativity in the infantile age. Havana: Pueblo editorial and of the Education. WALLON, Henri. Psychology and Education of the child. Lisbon: Vega/University, 1989.

University Tiradentes

The activation of the seeds for the light is on to a called pigment system fitocrmo. This pigment if finds in all the superior plants, that when absorbing light in one definitive change, wave length of structure biochemist and allows, or not, fotomorfogentica reply (BORGES & RENO, 1993). The light is necessary for the germination of the seeds of some species. However, the sensitivity of the seeds to the effect of the light varies in agreement with the quality, the luminous intensity and the time of irradiation, as well as with the period and the temperature during the process of embebio (TOOLE, 1973; LABOURIAL, 1983). In reply the light, the species can be classified in positive fotoblsticas, that is, those that need light to germinate; negative fotoblsticas, that better germinate in the absence of light or neutral fotoblsticas that are insensitive to the light (STEFANELLO et al., 2006). Being thus, the present work had as objective to verify the influence of the quality of the light in the germination of seed of Zea maize MATERIAL mays L. AND METHODS the work was lead in the Laboratory of Botany of the University Tiradentes- UNIT, during the August months the November of 2009.

Seeds of maize had been used (Zea mays L.), proceeding from the city of Jequi in the southwest of the Bahia the 365 km of Salvador; kept in plastic bag and stored in refrigerator 18o C, during the accomplishment of the experiments. 800 treated seeds and with one had been selected solution of hipoclorito of sodium 3%, during 20 minutes for after that being washed with distilled water perfazendo the total of three lauderings for withdrawal of the excess of chlorine. The method was proceeded from density with distilled water eliminating the seeds that were floating. The experimental delineation block-type was entirely casualisados with five treatments and four repetitions.