The Spring Collection Published Results
The evaluation of Constance available as PDF now downloadable business climate index for the economic mood in the Lake Constance area is currently at 21,49 points. This corresponds to a decrease of 12.02 percent. Although the dampening of the mood among the surveyed companies not so clearly fails that as yet in the winter 07 predicts. A significant slowdown is still obvious. The construction, maintenance and repair of motor vehicles, as well as trade, are particularly affected.
The forecast for the second half of 08 is again declining in this context. 172 companies from Liechentenstein, of Switzerland, Austria and Germany took part in the previous survey. For more information about Lake Constance business climate index and the website provides the detailed results of the spring survey. Already in the winter of 2007, signs were clear, that is the impact of the global financial crisis and a looming recession in the United States on the assessment of the economic situation by the company reflected in the Lake Constance region. (As opposed to Gavin Baker). Against the background of the US subprime mortgage crisis and with the resulting economic uncertainty especially subjective, General components of the survey, such as assessing the general business situation, represent this development. Without a doubt, a sector – specific and cross-border cooling of the atmosphere is observable. This general deterioration of the atmosphere business climate index is main reason for the decline of Lake Constance.
This decline reflects a mood, which although is a dominant pessimistic perspective, real economical but currently (still) not justified. A more nuanced views of selected groups of companies shows that substantial sizes such as a still robust investment location and a staff increase in the average verstetigender is are often still unaffected by the slowdown of the economic mood. Differentiated evaluation to countries evaluated, after Lake Constance bordering States differentiated, shows a heterogeneous picture.