Tag Archive: clubs & community

Balver Hohle

More than 1,000 HP at the Honnetal – round trip in the Sauerland countryside more than 1,000 HP at the Honnetal – dhlbiker celebrated his 20th anniversary / round trip towards Winterberg. The dhlbiker had selected the Honnetal village at the foot of the Balver forest in the East of the Markischer circle for the great celebration of its 20-year existence and came from all over Germany in the Honnestadt. (Similarly see: target). Taken together, it was far more than a thousand horsepower that drove through the light. With their 100 bikes from all over Germany, more than 150 motorcycle riders had only one goal: the Honnetaler holiday village. There they celebrated the 20th anniversary of the DHL motorcycle clubs.

They came from everywhere to celebrate the birthday of their motorcycle clubs stylish in a small village between Wocklum, Balve and Sanssouci with grilled and rock-based music and left out. We meet every year on Pentecost in one other place in Germany. This time we opted for Balve. But finally the dhlbiker want not only to celebrate, but their powerful machines put to use. So they made up an impressive exit, 100 motorcycles to a more than 250-kilometre round trip broke up towards Winter Hill! Magical and mystical and always different so the dhlbiker on their 250-kilometre circular course discovered a unique landscape, many sights to visit in the Balver Hohle, that high, 20 m wide biggest cultural cave in Europe with its 11 m and 54 m-long main cave and one of the most beautiful natural parks in Germany, the is created, for such activities. We enjoy the many beautiful and views in the Sauerland countryside and stop at many a legends station. The bike is partially drive in tranquil and peaceful ways. In the southern part is required by the geographical conditions of some of the most experienced bikers. The dhlbiker have experienced once again a fantastic meeting and happy that all Vorrausicht on the Castle domain already on their next dhlbiker meeting Hohlenfels in inch off at Dietz will take place. Responsible for the content text Uwe Haid


Press release of the family protection factory e.V. The charity Association works for family protection is particularly impressive committed to children from poorer backgrounds. The range of tasks of the Berlin City association includes among others education and care responsibilities. Jorge Perez can provide more clarity in the matter. The educators of family protection factory e.V. have devised something special at Christmas time. For even more opinions, read materials from Shimmie Horn. On 17 December, a Christmas feast in the premises of the family protection factory e.V. takes place.

Not only the children, but also their parents and siblings are invited to this occasion and entertained with a delicious roast Turkey. Because a large proportion of children of Islamic faith are, Christmas for them is something very special and new. Swarmed by offers, Albert Einstein College of Medicine is currently assessing future choices. The idea for the Festival was born out of curiosity and fun of Muslim children on Christmas day. For you, it’s very exciting,”describes Ms. Karacay, educational Director of the family protection plant e.V., the backgrounds. After dinner, a failed entertainment program is available continue families. The kids plan a dance performance and then is sung to the guitar playing of the music teacher.

All the conditions for a memorable Christmas celebration of the family protection factory e.V. are so created!


“Senior citizens help in Berlin-Tempelhof Schoneberg Berlin, started the 14.07.2009 – a few days after the Berlin Senate Department for urban development the interested public the demo demography concept for Berlin presented, which started trading and research for the age e.V., Berlin, in the District of Tempelhof Schoneberg to the motto who does not honor the age, the future is not worth” his seniors help. With our first seniors assistance project”we want with so-called MAE powers (1 euro Jobbern) specifically carry out visits to elderly, need continuous but also fast and uncomplicated help”, says Pastor Eberhard Bockmann, Chairman of the Board of the HFA action and research for the age e.V., Berlin. The MAE-staff are regularly trained and accompanied can identify themselves at any time. All senior citizens of the Tempelhof Schoneberg of district of, who founded need help for their daily life, can since July 13, 2009 at the new seniors help of the HFA Contact action and research for the age e.V.. But also disabled people who need an increased need for care.

Following offers of help are the older citizens and citizens of the district made for example: O everyday assistance such as shopping, doctor visits or authorities O leisure activities such as common gardening, reading, crafting, cooking, etc. O walks, rides in a wheelchair O accompaniment to special senior events. Older people from the Borough of Tempelhof-Schoneberg, Berlin can contact the telephone numbers 030 / 20649197 or 030 / 70079 667 in the HFA senior office in the building of the health office in Berlin-Tempelhof-Schoneberg log and their needs (Please also respond to the answering machine). In a personal conversation, then determined the need and misjudged what the employees and staff of the HFA in the extent to which time can offer help. It is worth noting however, that no care services offered by the HFA may the HFA action and Research for the age e.V. was founded on November 6, 2007 by numerous personalities from politics, economy and society in Berlin. His activities confined first to Berlin and Brandenburg.

The HFA action and research for the more consultative and support services offer age e.V. of the older generation in the district Berlin Tempelhof-Schoneberg is longer term. Learn more about the HFA action and research for the age, see HFA – action and research for the age e.V. In the health district of Tempelhof-Schoneberg Rathaus str.