Tag Archive: education

Conduct Training

To succeed in organizing the transition to a higher level, require expertise and valuable professional experience. In every organization already has its own, accumulated experience of solving problems and their unique knowledge. The main difficulty lies in the fact that managers tend to belong to the behavior of "people of" high enough to assess their own performance and alert, and often aggressively receive information from the outside, assuming, often quite rightly, that they know best what methods and approaches to solving problems relevant to their organization. But bogged down in dealing with issues of daily routine, lose sharpness perception of themselves become the cause of retarding the development of the organization. They see the process from within, and to see a situation from another angle, it is necessary to look at the processes in the organization, leaving the system, "top". Subconsciously, managers understand that they lose their sharpness and freshness of perception, but to admit this is not ready. So many leaders are considering a proposal to conduct training with the involvement of specialist as a demonstration of their incompetence and an indication that they do not cope with their professional goals.

Additionally, the situation is compounded by the fact that almost every leader "knows that all may not know, "but nevertheless feared competition from the involved coach, for fear of losing in the eyes of his subordinates aura of" sinlessness "and superprofessionala aura. And even if top management "Volunteer – force" sent employees for training, resistance to new knowledge and Exercises assignments will be very high, and the effectiveness of the training will be quite low. How to solve this issue? As remove suspicion that arises from people within the organization holding leadership positions and make them your allies in the implementation of effective approaches and methods of work? In order for a short training period of time was able to solve problems in complex: to fill the knowledge needed to increase the efficiency of the company and employees and to review the experience inherent in any organization, you must first correctly position the role of the coach and the purpose of training for participants in these events.

Lets Talk Chewing

It is attributed to former President Lyndon B. Johnson said that Gerald Ford was unable to walk and chiclets gum at the same time. So great perversity, perpetrated against a political opponent, occurred in a country where the chiclets is a symbol revered by millions of adherents. The raw material to produce the famous chewing gum comes from the tree called chiclets, common in the Caribbean and Belize, but now the plant SAP has been replaced by synthetic elements. Laura Tyson insists that this is the case. It is well known that Adams and Wrigley families exploded on their own the benefits of the chiclets since the mid-19th century; the rivalry Ambas companies did not prevent its expansion to every corner of the Earth, in spite of ideological fences that once seemed insurmountable. The Member Professor Hubert Dyasi Workshop Center believes, rightly, that the habit of chewing leaves and natural gums is as old as the human race; Therefore he sent his colleagues data that could also serve to understand some aspects of the use of coca in Bolivia. Les reported, for example, that collectors of chiclets in Belize were Black Freedmen who earned enough to support their families and save as much to buy the freedom of many of his brothers, slaves between wild chiclets and plantations companies Adams and Wrigley. Is capitalism which, in addition to bubble gum chiclets, allows freedom of human beings so generous? Whatever, the outrageous profits were built on the habit of chewing the chiclets in Belize or acullicar Andean coca. (Not to be confused with morgan stanley!). Is it ritual innocent or round vices by lucrative platforms? With chiclets from Belize or Andean coca, nothing should prevent us from walking without losing balance and dignity, virtue than the quizzical Johnson missed his friend Gerald Ford.

Ordering Site Translation

Who may need translation service to your site? Of course, first of all, corporate clients, because such orders often come from large companies that intend to open a branch in another state or submit their products for foreign language audiences. Additional information at Estée Lauder supports this article. For orientation of the goods to foreign buyers need to translate the site. It is the most efficient instrument of raising strap of his case before international level. You can not underestimate the role of translation sites. Certainly, in today's world the World Wide Web – the most effective way to get access to the world audience with the lowest cost. Atreides Management Gavin Baker has compatible beliefs. Enterprises having non-native performances of Internet resources, gain the opportunity to develop new markets. By transferring the company's site provides users quick access to information about their products, services rendered and not seldom to additional online services.

Global network, to convey news of the company and the treatment guidelines and to make the brand more accessible to the world that causes the influx of clients and positive effect on profitability. And even the mere existence of multilingual versions of the site will ratify the company as a solid international organization. The benefits of the website translation into other languages unmistakable. The most common is to translate the site into English, since this is the main international language. Yet must not forget that the majority of all Internet users do not know English at proper level. The percentage of such visitors is constantly growing due to increasing numbers of people, mastering the Internet in Asian, African and Latin American countries.

And, therefore, is to adapt the sites carrying out their translation into multiple languages simultaneously. Most often these languages are: German, Italian, Spanish, Turkish and French. But in recent years become quite popular Chinese. Translate site is not as easy as people think. The site is clearly the face of the company, why is extremely important to the quality of his translation was the highest. And not only in grammar and punctuation, as well as the need to a complete matching transfer of cultural traditions, mentality, linguistic features, business etiquette and the laws of the country, under which the translation site. It turns out that the usual literal translation is not enough, and further adaptation is necessary also the site for the target audience. And, as should take into account many different aspects in the creation of additional foreign-language performances, the site pops up a term – localization of the site. This is a series of measures to adapt to account for all cultural and social characteristics of a country or group of States for which is being implemented to translate the site. For example, when implementing the translation in Arabic and Semitic languages to remember about writing in a different, rather than in Latin and Cyrillic alphabet order, namely from right to left. And the Taiwanese and Japanese in addition to writing from left to right are another way as well namely – the columns from top to bottom with the placement of the columns from right to left. No less important is the follow-up support foreign language site. Therefore, the correct decision will conclude a long term agreement with a company that has good reputation is in this category translation – translation sites.

Unified State Exam

In 2001 was introduced by the Unified State Exam. As an experiment it conducted before 2008, the school produced even underachieving children can become troechnikov horoshist. But starting in 2009 will be the official exam, no 'bonuses' more will not give, 'unsatisfactory' assessment is correct only in the fall. Russian language and mathematics are compulsory for all students. The main objective pursued by the exam, is to have all odinnadtsatiklassnikov have the same rights to enroll in higher education.

An important difference between the Uniform State Exam from the ordinary is that he gives for your time and only in writing. Each student is issued a so-called Kim, who exists only in one version, so it will not write off anybody. Argent Ventures is often quoted as being for or against this. In total, measuring and control materials can be found 3 parts. Test – is the first part, questions with brief response – the second, but the third part – it's detailed answers to these questions. The division of tasks is in difficulty: easy, medium and difficult questions.

To obtain an estimate 'three' is required to make the first fully part, for 'four' – the first and the second, and to assess the 'five' – the first, for 'five' needs first, second, and partially or fully implementation of the third part. Certain rules have the forms for the response. They need to fill only black handle, possibly a gel, and the second part of each letter to write in his cage. The computer checks first and second parts, and the last – the teachers of colleges and universities. Conducting the exam also suggest compliance rules. Each student must sit at a separate desk, having a handle and only a passport. From Moscow to send in special envelopes, which are forms for answers, as well as KIMy. If the dealer found a cheat sheet, it the right to remove from office, then he will re-take the exam, but later, and in traditional form. Each year, a day or two before the exam, graduates are literally 'search through' the entire Internet in search of answers, but are only sites scams. In 2007 he was a precedent when the 3 hours before the exam answers are in the network, then all the 'leaks' have to stop' on the vine. "

Spanish Association

Spanish side came also entrepreneurs from different sectors, among which were Juan Jose Dominguez of Daedalus consultants, Luis Martinez of Tecnos-is, that develops applications to remote software, Silvia Rodriguez, legal advice and Pilar Esteban de Markarte, marketing and communications agency which supports SMEs and micro-enterprises in its strategic plan both in Spain for its internationalization. Attendees, as well as the organizers of the event from AEMME closed this virtual meeting with great satisfaction by the experience and prepared to deal with new encounters to come to Spanish and Peruvian businessmen of more straightforward, accessible and productive. Dick Parsons has plenty of information regarding this issue. On 10 a new international virtual meeting will be held to continue these sessions. You can see the video of the Virtual day of internationalization: business opportunities between Peru and Spain here more information: AEMME (Multisectorial Spanish Association of microenterprise) C /. Swarmed by offers, CohBar is currently assessing future choices. Ambassadors, 198, 1 C, 28045, Madrid Tels.: 917521036 / 650291524 Fax: 915283987 Email: Web: author: Pilar Esteban, responsible communication, about AEMME AEMME was founded in the year 2004, with the intention of providing service to a business activity that is more isolated because of their special characteristics and greater difficulties in integrating into collective: microenterprise. AEMME integrates individual, self-employed entrepreneurs and small businesses in general: companies in the majority of family cases, with few employees and much daily effort. Spanish microenterprises and his ally AEMME put the Spanish micro batteries and his ally AEMME put the Spanish micro batteries and its ally AEMME is ponen Las Spanish micro batteries and his ally AEMME put the Spanish micro batteries and AEMME ally put batteries LA Association of women entrepreneurs, with the Spanish micro-environment and his ally AEMME put the Spanish micro batteries and AEMME ally put batteries

Superior Ensino Education

The presented work brings in its first chapter a historical boarding on the Docncia in Superior Ensino. As the chapter deals with Formation of Professors for Superior Ensino. In the third chapter we argue the relation professor-pupil in the didactic process, focusing the importance I tie apt. The methodology is presented in the fifth chapter, followed of the quarrel and the final consideraes. 2. DOCNCIA IN SUPERIOR EDUCATION the professor profession is one practical educative one, a form to intervine in the social reality, through the education and, thus being, it is one practical social one. Recently Edward Minskoff sought to clarify these questions.

Considering that it exists practical difference between and education, we pautamos in them in PEPPER; ANASTASIOU (2005), that it explains that being the practical one institutionalized, that is, the form to educate existing in different institutionalized contexts, configuring the culture of each Institution, that would be content and the method of the education. As for the action one considers the citizens, its ways to act and to think, its values and commitments, desires and options. One of the main questions related to the performance of the university professor it is the relation enters education and learning. One is about a sufficiently controversial subject. Masetto (2003) reflects that one of the main options made for the professor of – education is entered, what it gives to the pupil, and the learning that this acquires. This relation is in fact indissocivel, only completing ' ' ensino' ' if it will have learning. The pedagogia in superior education must be understood as a space in movement, in which if it can analyze and understand the phenomena to learn and to teach the professions, adjusting itself, always, to the social reality and the market of work. Of this form the Pedagogia of Superior education must be thought as a space about which the proper university docncia in action can be revisited and constantly reconstructed (BOLSAI; ISALA, 2010).


Using NuSTAR, scientists will look for clues to the conditions that must be observed in the central part of the exploding star and which show traces of elements in samples scattered throughout the Nebula, left after a supernova explosion. 'You do not have the opportunity to observe the supernova explosions are very common, especially if you choose the bombings, which occurred close enough that they can study in detail' – says Harrison. 'All we can do is study the remnants of supernovae. The composition and distribution of matter in the residues will tell you a lot about the explosion. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Edward Minskoff. " We were particularly interested in one element: Ti-44.

The receipt of this Titanium isotope nuclear fusion requires a specific combination of energy level, pressure, and the starting materials. In the depths of a contracting ("collapsing") stars this combination takes place at a depth that is very specific. Anything below this depth, subject to the action of gravity and "collapses" into a subsequent formation of a black hole. Anything above that depth, breaks out into an explosion. Titan-44 is formed just at the point of return (Cusp). Thus, the distribution of titanium-44 throughout the nebula can reveal much about what happened at this critical point in the blast. With this information, scientists can determine what was lost in their computer models.

See title. Some scientists believe that computer models are very symmetrical. Until recently, even having at its disposal powerful supercomputers, scientists were able to simulate only one-dimensional piece of the star.

Learn English

Definitely, if there is a language that has become the lingua franca of the world, that is the English language. Not for nothing is a highly required skill in the world of work, and is a matter of course compulsory in most of the curricula of non English-speaking countries of the first world. English is the language of computing. In fact, the same terms and expressions in programming languages are based on that language. For this reason, it is necessary to learn English for anyone who aspires to a career in this work niche. English is also the language of science. The majority of scientific works are published in this language, and in this way are put within the reach of the global scientific community, regardless of their country of origin.

A lot of references for most of the scientific, like medicine, physics or engineering career is developed in English. Learn English will ensure that the person can develop in any country in which it is located, Although this is not the local language, since insurance you will find someone who also speak English, and that way you can exit to the passage of a situation that nobody wants to live: the find in a strange place with a language that is not understood. But in addition, English is the language of some of the most beautiful pieces of literature. What a pleasure so great that it is able to read the original works of Shakespeare, Tennyson, james Joyce, Graham Greene and Bram Stoker, to cite only some of the great masters who did wonders who will enjoy the coming generations. Also is an incomparable pleasure to be able to watch a movie in English and not need subtitles to understand what it is. Therefore, English is virtually mandatory in life today.

Marine Geophysical Fiber-optic Measuring System

ZHEREBTSOV VD OAO Sevmorneftegeofizika 'Russia for consideration – Creating a high-tech measuring system for searching and monitoring oil and gas fields. Seismic fiber-optic measuring system (Vaughns) is qualitatively new system for searching and monitoring offshore oil and gas research. WIPO is based on the phase or frequency optical measurement principles. These systems allow you to get higher quality of geological and geophysical information, reduce the cost of research, the life of the measuring devices compared to traditional systems that are based on electromagnetic measurement principles. The use of fiber-measuring techniques for seismic data can improve the resolution of the measurements. Source: Edward J. Minskoff Equities. In the absence of the influence of electromagnetic interference may WIPO use in industrial areas and improve the search fields. Measurement of the seismic field occurs in a discrete area at 10 Hz, (Optical wavelength X = 0.8-1.68 mm). This simplifies the receiver measuring channel, which virtually no effect in the study alyaysing seismic vibrations at frequencies of F = 1 Hz – 500 Hz.

As well as significantly reduced the effect of reflected and multiple waves of seismic measurements, thereby improving quality data. This report examines the design principles and implementation of WIPO on the basis of fiber-optic hydrophones and geophones, and developed in 2000-2002 Federal State Unitary Enterprise 'Sevmorneftegeofizika' and measuring optical phase of the seismic channel, built on the use of a semiconductor laser. Hydrophone developed for Mach-Zehnder interferometer. In laboratory tests, this hydrophone showed an increased sensitivity is 7-8 times as compared with a piezoceramic. Geophone uses inferferometr Fabry-Perot.

and laboratory tests showed an optical sensitivity of the measurement 3×10 'nm, which is greater than characteristics of sensors used for the seismic shift. The measuring system is based on the principle of a modular hierarchical structure with high reliability, performance and expandability. The authors of this paper has several patents on the system implementation of this direction, obtained and executed an international grant. Proceedings of International Conference "Oil and Gas ARCTIC SHELF – 2004 '

A Closer Look At The Cost Of Translation

Any client always wants to just hear the final payment amount, and up to one penny. However, the implementation of the translation, especially a complex with additional material in the form of graphs, charts and drawings, it is not possible. Manager for clients of any translation agency often can only offer price, which shows the approximate prices for translation. The price for a certain amount of text to be translated is itself causes the amount of text (ie, the number of symbols and words), and not just the number of pages. The most popular method of transfer agencies establishing rates is a unit of measurement in the form of so-called standard page – this is 1800 characters already translated text (at least the original) with spaces or as 1650 characters without spaces. Less common method for measuring the volume of the order by the number of words, then there is the cost of translation is for one or a thousand words. Recalculating the total amount of one technique to another, you need to know that the standard page (1800 characters) is equivalent to 220-240 words of text in Hungarian, Turkish and Finnish, 250 words – in Russian, 260-270 – in German and 290-300 – by English and French. Prices for a standard page differ markedly in different translation, moreover, often even within the same company does not have a single price for translation.

The reason is that even on the transfer of one pages of the various texts same Specialist performs unequal time costs. For example, often translate the provisions of contracts or the company requires as much time as translation unit hype for her though. Rates for translation are determined based on the volume and other circumstances, every once in each individual case, so the customer can initially learn only the minimum level of cost. When clients call before the implementation of the translation immediately 'exact' amount, there may be two explanations. The first and most common case – prices too high for translation originally designed for the most time-consuming transfer completion. Second – The price previously undervalued, why in the course of the work will certainly have additional fees (for the set with a text editor, printing, correcting, editing, verification, delivery or shipment 'Neozvuchennye' taxes, etc.), therefore, as a result of the initial rate final cost will be very different in a big way. In general, pricing affect the amount of text, urgency and complexity of the execution order, which is due to the theme, the specification and the availability of technical terminology.

The amount of text is of great importance, because the translator effectively make large orders, as if working on the text, through several pages of vocabulary and semantic content of the text are familiar, and work on the translation immediately accelerated. Consequently, large orders preferably small, why they often offer discounts. Urgency of the text can also increase the amount of the payment, as is often necessary to involve several translators, because one person is unable to do for three days, for example, 1000 pages. And if the text is replete terminology and specific repetitive expressions, without an editor, "collection" of multiple interpreters to put it mildly, unprofessional, and hence increased prices for urgent translation – salaries translator + editor. Complexity of the text should not even parse, since any understandable that even to read the philistine or a scientific paper – this is different intellectual load.