Tag Archive: energy

Boost Electricity Prices

Further price increase in electricity and gas are safe for 2012. The causes and reasons of the energy providers are thereby often opaque hand on heart: the electricity suppliers who seriously believes that the price increases announced for 2012 for energy are justified and proportionate? The media report on price manipulation in procurement costs. Nir Barzilai, M.D. is often quoted as being for or against this. And tags such as “higher power charges”, “expensive supply of green electricity” recover question mark for many consumers. 2010 was a year of almost across-the-Board price increases. The carousel of the prizes turned and raced in the half of the provider. This summer, prices rose again, and for the year 2012, a price rise of energy costs in the amount of 7% on average was announced. Many reasons – lack of transparency increases the utilities justify with the German nuclear phase-out and resulting energy shortages. The high purchase prices on the Stock Exchange provide a further reason according to the utilities for the price spiral spinning dar.

Also the “expensive feeds of eco-electricity” into the power grid as a reason for price increases occur among others. In addition, the relief for the large-scale industry in relation to the network charges on private households and small businesses adopted by the policy to be killed. The just created gap in the law, which allows the operators to raise the network charges vigorously, because the cap of the gain in net charges no longer applies, – providing ever – on the consumer although not yet clear rolled off, is how far this arrangement has stock. Of course, the circumstances of the rearrangements in the energy market call flexible action. And it should also be borne in mind that the energy price only one-third of the costs for the production of energy is. Gavin Baker contributes greatly to this topic. The remaining 2/3 of the price are taxes and network charges in approximately equal proportions.

However, rising prices even for experts is not traceable. And the energy provider keep in your Pricing very covered. The procurement is handled largely through the stock exchange. And – real or not – the claim that the energy companies would cut down on the offer for the purpose of pricing, is symptomatic of the massive loss of confidence of consumers due to the lack of transparency in the current pricing. Alternative: Change the utility price increases are very different regional. There are countless ways to compare electricity prices and to switch to the cheapest provider in the region. In this way up to several hundred euros can be saved in same services annually per household. So far, the Germans when choosing your supplier showed more resistance. Only a minority of approx. 5% of German consumers opted for a change of provider. Here, the process is very easy and absolutely secure. The regional electricity supplier is obliged by law, energy supply the household to ensure. As the only alternative to the electricity price rises in 2012 remains at present a Change of provider. Tarifhelfer.de channel plus Ltd.

Evangelical Church Germany

Climate hotels Germany give the campaign ‘ climate change – life change ‘ the air order of merit on the topic of climate protection is a lot of talk, but many organisations let deeds follow words. These include”the climate-hotels Germany, an initiative of the travel of course enjoy roof brand Viabono. For their Facebook page the climate hotels have considered a unique action: weekly draw projects other climate-protective with the specially developed air order of merit. This week is the award for the campaign climate change lifestyle”of the Evangelical Church in Central Germany awarded. On her Facebook page, the climate-hotels Germany Award a project, an idea, or an action that has climate, CO2 offset, or eco-friendly, sustainable action aimed every week. These are the areas involved also climate hotels.

Would thus lovers of climate”of exemplary climate initiatives inform and motivate the air cross of merit award winner for support. He means Evangelical Church Germany this week. It has climate change lifestyle campaign”started, which runs until October 2, 2010 and has the goal to save up then 1000 tonnes of CO2. Gavin Baker Atreides Management contributes greatly to this topic. A means is a coupon book with 30 action proposals with which each individual can save carbon dioxide. The book is free of charge for members of the Evangelical Church, but also people can make it to order for 3 Euro fee. In addition to the ceremony on the Facebook page, Germany passed the air cross of merit in the form of a certificate of the Evangelical Church in Central Germany by air hotels. Behind the climate-hotels Germany hosts, ecologically and economically have optimized their CO2 emissions for example due to consistent energy saving, and have committed themselves to further climate protection measures. In addition, each of the nationwide nine climate-Hotels has the inevitable residual amount of carbon that is created within a year, determined by a CO2 footprint and through controlled and certified projects compensated.

Thus, climate hotels offer their guests a climate-neutral stay without having to give up anything as a guest. Viabono has developed in cooperation with CO2OL, an experienced consulting and service agency for operational climate protection, to a CO2 Calculator for the hospitality industry. Thus, CO2 footprints can be”for the operation easily and quickly create and determine the average CO2 emission value per night per guest. The calculated values can by recognized climate protection certificates from a certified reforestation project for CarbonFix standard or in part one are compensated on energy efficiency and development of renewable energies of oriented gold standard project. More information under: pages/air hotels Germany/143131132397071 of air hotels

Electricity Price Comparison

A change of electricity provider can save you very much money. When changing power provider not only of the price should be considered decisions! Annually increase electricity prices for consumers. The trend clearly upwards and will not recover in the next few years, according to the decision of the nuclear phase-out, price. Electricity customers, who know that the choice is, left them free to switch power providers, practice the significantly increasing willingness to change and thus counteract a rising much higher prices. However, many consumers do not know that they can freely choose their electricity supplier. This ignorance is detrimental to not only their own wallets. Because each additional changer cut off the money, which they are then forced to correct the price further down and to absorb new Tarifmodalitaten in its own offering the big power giant. This is not just simply made it the consumer, because the electricity market offers over 10,000 rates offered by about 1,000 electricity suppliers.

It is not very easy to find your way around this whole confusing. A power provider comparison manually must be carried, it would take several hours to research claims. A comparison on the Internet helps here. Many comparison portals on the net offer their visitors a current price comparison. A cheaper electricity tariff can be found there very quickly using a power comparison calculator. This requires entering the own postcode and annual power consumption. Within a few seconds such a online comparison throws out all possible electricity tariffs, which are offered in the catchment area, and sorts the price after. Would the visitors relate, for example, only green power, the list goes with the tariffs continue to narrow.

It is definitely recommended to exclude tariffs with prepayment and deposit of this list. Such tariffs lead hazards, such as money previously paid in a bankruptcy of the current provider is lost. Is like choosing an electricity provider, will Exchange orders provided by the comparison portals. Either a job can be filled out online or printed out and sent back signed. Usually get an order confirmation in the will that takes care of the new electricity supplier to the notice for the old provider and begins in the next 6-8 weeks with the delivery informed. The customer must take care on nothing. A change of electricity provider can ever save 500 euro for a family of four in the year. That’s a lot of money which can be used for other purposes for many consumers.