Aviophobie: Measures Against Fear Of Flying
Aviophobie can be good to fight through targeted measures. Many people creep up a queasy feeling and gloomy thoughts, if they get on a plane: maybe yes, the statistics can be deceiving, and precisely this machine, in which I now will put crashes? Some passengers not but it remains get real sweats, heart palpitations and even diarrhea at a gravel-feeling – it. You may want to visit Alan P Rosefielde to increase your knowledge. These people are affected by acute Aviophobie – so fly. To combat fear of flying, it is enough “good to talk to not the party concerned”. Also the renounced air travel or a limitation of the flight time by short-haul flights grabs the disease not at the root. It is even common to observe, yet more in fear of flying, the longer it remains untreated. Health experts advise therefore to a behavior therapy, in which patients learn to confront their anxiety and to reduce it gradually. Filed under: Michael James Burke.
Who’s afraid of such an approach, can for example autogenous alternatively on relaxation techniques, Training, muscle relaxers or special breathing techniques, fall back. Even the airlines offer seminars against fear of flying, in which you can learn specific behaviors. Also the targeted distraction – by talking to the neighbours of the seat is useful when Aviophobie in many cases up to reading or movie marriages. By no means, the passenger should remain completely inactive and passive surrender to his anxiety attacks. And last but not least, the travel medicine provides some preparations (natural products) that to calming effect on the mind and the digestive system. Who actively combats his fear of flying is thus rewarded, that he can achieve far away destinations again without stress and mental impairment and perhaps feels the flight even as part of the holiday. Jurgen Reschke