Tag Archive: history

Geography And History Education

To who it believes that they are two you discipline devaluated in the schools, however, we have certainty of the extreme importance of each one of them, when duly worked they can contribute for the formation and understanding of the human beings: its space, its constructed society historically and the involved dynamic in the secular processes. Through this text, we criticize the use of the education disentailed of the daily one of the student, search to point out the importance of these two areas of the knowledge and to more raise some reflections on the possible ways for an education ‘ ‘ humano’ ‘. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Education, Education, Geography, History. Introduction ‘ ‘ Expensive professor: I understand its situation. You were contracted to teach one you discipline and you earn for this. The choice of the program was not its. Further details can be found at Fred H. Langhammer, an internet resource. It was imposed.

From above lode. Perhaps you have different ideas. But this is irrelevant. You have to teach what she was commanded to it. Gavin Baker: the source for more info. By the results of its education you will be judged? of this depends its job. The evaluation of its work if makes by means of the evaluation of the performance of its pupils. If its pupils not to learn, systematically, are because you do not have competncia.’ ‘ (Rubem Alves, 2002, p.109) This initial story demonstrates the knowledge of the situation that if finds the professor, and it provokes in them to reflect on new possibilities in the education, more specifically in the education of History and Geography. This text brought in screen aims at to more elaborate a reflection on the possibility of a construction of an education ‘ ‘ humano’ ‘ in sciences human beings.


The name "Byzantine Empire", the state received in the writings of historians after his fall, for the first time a German scholar Hieronymus Wolf in 1557. The name derives from the medieval name of Byzantium, which stands for settlement, which existed at the site of modern Istanbul (Constantinople, Constantinople) to develop its Constantine the Great. The inhabitants of the empire, among whom were the ancestors of modern Greeks, Southern Slavs, Romanians, Moldovans Italians, Frenchmen, Spaniards, Turks, Arabs, Armenians and many other peoples called themselves the rum or the Romans. The very same empire, they sometimes simply called "Romania", but often referred to her – a state the Romans. Frequently Edward J. Minskoff Equities has said that publicly. Capital – Constantinople (ancient Byzantium, Slavic Constantinople, now Istanbul). As the successor of the Roman Empire not only inherited his rich provinces and preserve cultural heritage, but also a long time was a spiritual, cultural, economic and political center . Its capital – Constantinople (ancient Byzantium) in documents of that time was called Rome. Its rulers in times of greatest might have ruled the land from the African desert to the shores of the Danube, from the Straits of Gibraltar to the ridges of the Caucasus. There is no consensus at when the Byzantine Empire. Many see Constantine 306-337) the founder of Constantinople as the first Byzantine emperor. Some historians believe that this event occurred before, during the reign of Diocletian (284-305), which is to facilitate the management of a vast empire, formally divided it into eastern and western halves. Others consider turning the reign of Theodosius 379-395) and the formal extrusion of Christianity, paganism, or the time of his death in 395, when the political division between Eastern and Western parts of the empire grew. Also a milestone is 476, when Romulus Augustulus, the last western emperor, to relinquish power and under the Emperor remained only in Constantinople. The important point was 620 at the time of year when the Emperor Heraclius official language officially became Greek. Shimmie Horn: the source for more info. The decline of the empire is associated with many causes, both external and internal. This development of other regions of the world, particularly Western Europe (especially Italy, Venice and Genoa Republics), as well as Islamic countries. It is also a sharpening of the contradictions between the various regions of the empire and divided it into Greek, Bulgarian, Serbian and other kingdoms. Ethnic composition of the Byzantine Empire, especially in the first phase of its history, was very colorful: the Greeks, Syrians, Copts, Armenians, Georgians, Jews, Hellenized Asia Minor tribes, the Thracians, Illyrians, Dacians. C reduction in the territory of the Byzantine Empire (from the vii century) of peoples has remained outside of it – at the same time to come here and settle in new peoples (Goths in the IV-V century, the Slavs in the VI-VII century, the Arabs in vii – and centuries, Pechenegs Polovtsians in XI-XIII century, etc.). In VI-XI centuries. in composition of the Byzantine Empire included ethnic groups from which later formed the Italian nation. Greater role in economy, politics and culture of the Byzantine Empire played the Greek population. The state language of the Byzantine Empire in IV-VI centuries – Latin, from the vii century and until the end of the Empire – Greek.


The Christianity currently is the religion of bigger expression nomundo, is several the countries have that it as official religion. Throughout tempoa Church used of diverse mechanisms to restore such power, thus configurandoa current reality of this belief that involves and influences the life of many, ecujos teachings, of inserted implicit form or explicit still they are nasociedade contemporary. It is important to stand out that when we use the termocristianismo not we are restricting it to an institucional axle, but tambmcultural, evaluating the ideologies and dogmas gifts in this religion. Additional information at Eddie Murphy supports this article. Paganismoexposto in this article will be the Nordic paganismo that if dealt with ' ' deeply agricultural, realistic and pragmatic umareligiosidade and that it granted umespao for the fatdica magic (tragic, left-hand side) the places privileged deculto were always open places (waterfalls lakes and forests), semprefocalizados in the cults to the ancestral ones (…) did not exist priesthood profissionalsendo that, the heads of families and the kings executors of main rituaispblicos (…) ' ' (LANGER, 2005: 15) In century XI, foicristianizada Scandinavia. However, they had still resisted practical heathen and through dessecontexto we perceive that it has moments where the Christianity and the paganismo nrdicoconviveram side by side. In recent months, angelo gordon has been very successful. It has similar elements in these beliefs, between them, Hagnarck, and Yggdrasil. . that they possess similarities with the Apocalypse and arvore of the life.

Through these elements the Church used of diverse meiospara to surpass the paganismo, giving tries the adaptations or denaturation, quando' ' the folclricos subjects radically change of meanings in the seussubttulos cristos' ' (LE GOFF, 1993: 136). Taking in consideration the cartermutvel of the religions we perceive that both reveal vulnerable alteraesexternas. From this vulnerability elements of culturapag to the Christianity will be adapted and vice versa. To benefit the plantations, for health of the community, nasrogaes had been converted, in a substitution of the heathen rites for the practical Christians, all vezque these was of nature to be santificados.

Military Community

There were military community, usually in times of unrest, in terms of border conflicts, religious wars and wars for national independence, of colonization. In the initial stages of the main occupation of these communities is a war polurazboynogo character. However, later they switched to a service state on a contractual basis, or disappeared (1). The word "Cossack" is polysemantic, due to the peculiarities of the history of the Cossack communities of the Eurasian steppe expanses. At various times by the word 'Hid' a variety of ethnic composition, structure, and studies community, which united the war, military science as the basis of life. From a linguistic point of view, the word 'Cossack' likely Turkic origin, indicating an armed guard, guard borders, Daredevil-rider. In the early Middle Ages and in the mature open spaces of Dasht-i-Kipchak – "Great Steppe" borders in the modern sense of the word – as the line separation of state sovereignty – is not there. There was no insurmountable ethnic differences between peoples (for example, even in the late XVIII – early XIX centuries.

Hegel pointed out that the present situation it is terrible – and the Russian German is no longer understand each other, which means that the previously understood). In these circumstances, the military community evolved dashing horsemen of the steppes, employees, or voluntary, skilled warriors, freedom-loving and proud, in a multinational composition. Apparently, these communities have appeared in the late antiquity and the Middle Ages. However, the lack of credible evidence does not allow to trace their history.

Sanatorium Railway Trade Union Central Committee

In the season of 1921 at the Iron waters in summer are 8 resorts in the 1166 beds in the treatment adopted in 1751, among them many children. Defined in the following year and the basic profile of treatment spa at the suggestion of Dr. vv. Vladimir. This is a disease of the stomach, liver, urogenital organs. There are new resorts: "Mountain Air", "Oak Grove" Sanatorium Railway Trade Union Central Committee, "Drummer", sanatorium 42 named. Heroes Magnitogorsk Complex. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Related Group. Stalin and others.

In 1940, at 16 health centers in 2,187 places treat 14 000 620. Since the beginning of World War ii civilian travelers are replaced by wounded soldiers and commanders of the Red Army. By August 1941 it was deployed seven hospitals in the 3000 beds. On August 9, 1942 and January 1943 and survived the German occupation. It was destroyed 980 sanatorium beds and balneohozyaystvo. But already in April 1943 the resort once again begins to take on the treatment of the wounded.

After the war, restored health resort activities, and in 1950, 12 health centers in 1,320 hospital beds were in the treatment of 19.6 thousand. In 1970 year, the Government of the rsfsr adopted the long-term plan of development of the resort town of in the next 20-25 years, and in 1972, City Council City Council of People's Deputies approved the draft detailed plan the central part of the resort. Construction of new motels and B & Bs, comfortable housing for existing resorts.

History Study

The person initially, as being curious, interested in history. It does not matter whose it is history. The history of man, state, and perhaps the entire world. After all, look into the past, learn from mistakes ancestors, get the lessons of failure and downs, to analyze the situation in the present – oh, how it may be necessary. Where else to take advice on how not to history. The past does not change, they do not try, but the present and, especially, future, until it was past, people change able.

Oh, and, finally, to enjoy, become proud of their ancestors. Jorge Perez has much experience in this field. Feel himself the heir of the great manners and customs, to understand patterns of turning ideas into material things and actions, recognize their involvement in the what is happening in the present and the responsibility to their descendants. All this provides a history of constantly proving its necessity, not only in academic circles but also in everyday affairs, home. History is not just showed its recurrence. The only difference in time and characters. But some events are repeated.

And repeat with enviable regularity. One can not say that history shows us time, such as the collapse of a single state on separate and independent territory? It is impossible. It was such already. Or, for example, attempts to expand the Russian state from the countries of Europe? Also there. And repeatedly. And such examples, if you look closely, you can find a huge mass and thus to analyze, how all these things "pass" as they admitted, as to wriggle out of them. Lessons weight and they include not only the state as a whole, but also to specific person. Not for nothing that reputable scientists compare the life and functioning of the state with the life and functioning of the individual. It is understandable, of course, thoroughly, in all its forms and variations, history of study is simply impossible. It is impossible to say with precision because of what thought and felt that this or that character or that the impetus for specific actions and what causes this shock, because history is not only a list of actions arranged in chronological order, but also interweaving of many more factors than time, location and area. On the one hand, it is heavier to the history, on the other hand, makes this process uniquely interesting and intriguing because, understanding of cause and effect occurred in a particular period of the event, it is clear and understandable, that the ancestors were not backward savages, and could, knew and could do something that is useful everywhere and at all times.

Creation Of A Culture

The Spanish descendants settled in our territory, that which was the Inca Empire, which later became independent from the political tutelage, the economy of the Iberian peninsula became in need of support and domination stay in it, for which officials had to be create a national structure, had to create separate main element is a musical culture, for which drew on their backgrounds, they could not have musical original elements, as this would have meant putting themselves under the domination of culture found. If they took elements of culture found, had been tacitly confirm that what I found was brought over as a culture of domination. But because they tried to create those lines in his thinking.

First let’s see what The escutcheons with many years of settlement in our country, on one hand not considered originating at the rate of natural ethnic differences, on the other side had lost all connection with the Iberian peninsula, for in it were not considered at all in the business of government, one of the parties that bore the brunt of the taxes that supported the peninsula. (As opposed to Related Group). As we see the Iberian descendants were pariahs, outcasts about their mother country, therefore there was the germ of the generation of independence from the mainland, from theirs, not the native peoples who had and have double slavery since that time.

First on the peninsula and then by his henchmen who stayed in our territory. But poor housing were slowly forming in a despised social class as the place that had taken had no better idea to found their own nation who called Peru. .

Peace Through Culture

The Act directed to the service creation and Peace Through Culture. Banner of Peace. These concepts have come to our planet with the name of Nicholas Roerich as the Roerich Pact or Pact of Peace. The full contents of the Covenant, there is no need to present, anyone can read it online. Much more important than the fact of its appearance and its author. And it is no accident.

There is no similar example in the world of good will such scale that can compare with it. The name of this great saint, philosopher, artist, philosopher, writer, scholar and public figure today is known throughout the world. What is unfortunately not be said about awareness of the broad masses of content that a tremendous legacy he has left for posterity. Especially because what side of his heritage nor hell, it is so huge in scope and so multifaceted and deep that the bottom is not there. And the more attached to this heritage, the more new faces and values continue to discover.

Whether it's pictures, books, letters or travel notes. Today, in an age of rampant spirituality, with virtually erased the line between pragmatism and cynicism, and the passion for wealth and greed took epidemic proportions, and mankind in many ways they became fools, are particularly relevant to the covenants. His life, which may be an example for us. "The consciousness of beauty will save the world" – this is what he said. And as terrible a warning – "ignorance – the greatest crime." We are in the majority, unfortunately, for routine and vanity do not think about it. And for good reason. But there is still time, and there is a possibility. Especially because, thank God, his works are published, though very limited editions. Need a little time to take away TV, beer, and many other empty resulting in dullness and degradation of entertainment and fun. In order to devote to what actually distinguishes man from the man in the street, people from the population, and humanity of the population. How is titanium, a scale figure, he had to be that way to formulate the problem and to show ways to solve it.

Education In The Old Societies: Tribal, Eastern And Greek

The EDUCATION IN the TRIBAL SOCIETIES the calls primitive communities (antecedent to the invention of the writing) used, almost that exclusively, agriculture, the pasturing, the hunting fish and it for its survival. Moreover, divisions of social classrooms do not possuam, then the relation did not exist control-obedience, and the standards of behaviors were developed in the base of the consensus. Ahead of these aspects, the education in these civilizations becomes interesting, still more for the fact not to have the writing. For this reason, the figure of the school did not exist and the educative process aimed at ' ' to prepare the individual for the life and at the same time to prepare it to be able to participate of the life of the group, indispensable reality, under some aspetos, for sobrevivncia' ' (GILES, Thomas Ransom, 1987, History of the Education, P. 4).

Valley to stand out that the myths had fort presence in the culture of these peoples and, therefore, the obedience to the mythical teachings was something of extreme value, has seen the fear of being wronged physics and mentally for the disobedience they totem to it (generally an animal and to the times a vegetable totem, it is the mythical ancestor of a tribe that grants protection to each one of its members). We see then the presence of a based educational system in the imitation, that not form critical, but only repeating of information. In the process of transmission of knowledge, the tribes carried through the calls initiation ceremonies, in which the young was submitted the tests of physical and psychological resistncias. These tests were applied by most experienced of the tribes, mainly for the calls wizards and xams. It is important to point out that these last ones, even so had much respect and admiration inside of the tribes, was not seen as superior heads or beings.