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Learn English

Definitely, if there is a language that has become the lingua franca of the world, that is the English language. Not for nothing is a highly required skill in the world of work, and is a matter of course compulsory in most of the curricula of non English-speaking countries of the first world. English is the language of computing. In fact, the same terms and expressions in programming languages are based on that language. For this reason, it is necessary to learn English for anyone who aspires to a career in this work niche. English is also the language of science. The majority of scientific works are published in this language, and in this way are put within the reach of the global scientific community, regardless of their country of origin.

A lot of references for most of the scientific, like medicine, physics or engineering career is developed in English. Learn English will ensure that the person can develop in any country in which it is located, Although this is not the local language, since insurance you will find someone who also speak English, and that way you can exit to the passage of a situation that nobody wants to live: the find in a strange place with a language that is not understood. But in addition, English is the language of some of the most beautiful pieces of literature. What a pleasure so great that it is able to read the original works of Shakespeare, Tennyson, james Joyce, Graham Greene and Bram Stoker, to cite only some of the great masters who did wonders who will enjoy the coming generations. Also is an incomparable pleasure to be able to watch a movie in English and not need subtitles to understand what it is. Therefore, English is virtually mandatory in life today.