Tag Archive: medicina-alternativa

Garcia School

Prevention of violence in school the attention to diversity, coexistence, education on attitudes and values learning, are shown as priorities for institutionalized education. The character not strictly academic of those priorities collides with certain professionals within the educational activity, and certain ideological positions in educational and curricular policy; and this is true above all in the field of secondary education, the stretch of the educational system where they always concentrate the major substantive discussions on education. The risk of social and cultural fragmentation and deterioration of school makes even more urgent awareness among teachers about these problems. It could differentiate between two major types of educational response to anti-social behaviour in schools:-a comprehensive response to the problems of anti-social behaviour that might be considered primary prevention (Moreno and Torrego, 1996). This would be a global response because it takes as a starting point the need to coexistence to become and be dealt with as a matter of the Centre itself: learning to live together, develop interpersonal relationships, collaboration, appropriate habits education centre must analyze and include issues related to the coexistence and its challenges in the context of the school curriculum, the decisions about it, of the organizational structure of the Centre coexistence conflicts and challenges of daily life within the institutionthey affect everyone in the school community, not only to those directly involved, so everyone would have an active participation in prevention and treatment.

-One response specified: elaboration of specific programmes for solving certain aspects of the problem of anti-social behaviour or concrete manifestations. This would be secondary and tertiary prevention (Trianes and Munoz, 1997;) Diaz-aguado, 1992; Diaz-aguado and Royo, 1995; Gargallo and Garcia, 1996; Perez, 1996). In Spain have been already applied many of these programs will quote some:-Social and affective development in the classroom program (Trianes, 1995;) Trianes y Munoz, 1994, 1997). Its objectives are: the construction of a thinking style for not aggressive in problems resolution, a moral perspective, practice and learning of negotiation, assertive response and prosocialidad (support and cooperation) in different scenarios, development of tolerance towards the personal differences and social responsibility, learning of verbal confrontation democratic procedures, and displays of respect and acceptance towards decisions taken by majority.