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Catalan Autonomous Government

PABLO SEGARRA Luisa Shepherd will preside over the Delegation of Alicante. On the other hand, Javier Moliner the one of Castelln. Alfonso Rus will also direct the one of Valencia. Hear other arguments on the topic with Nir Barzilai, M.D.. Still the presidents of the provincial delegations of Castelln and Alicante, Carlos Fabra and Jose Joaquin Ripol l, respectively, (both implied in presumed cases of corruption) will be released of their institutional positions, according to decided east Monday the Regional Electoral Committee the PPCV. The organ of the direction of the Valencian PP presided over by Francisco Camps decided that Luisa Shepherd, mayoress of Sant Vicent of the Raspeig, is the new president of the Provincial Corporation of Alicante replacing Ripoll, compatible to the ex-president of the Catalan Autonomous Government, Eduardo Zaplana. The campers of Alicante, who already are majority in the province, agreed to the relief of Ripoll, critic for years with the political line of Camps.

Ripoll was in a situation of extreme weakness due to his imputation by the judge of Brugal case by presumed crimes of bribe, fraud, influence peddling, revelation of privileged information and prohibited negotiations to civil servants and authorities. In addition, politicians of their confidence like the mayors of Alcoi, Orihuela or Villena lost the mayorships in the elections of the 22 of May, while the candidates campers devastated in municipalities like Alicante, Elche, Torrevieja, Elda or Novelda. The Moliner young person, in Castelln On the other hand, Javier Moliner, vicemayor of Castelln and associate to the provincial presidency of the PP, will stand out to Carlos Fabra to the front of the Provincial Delegation. Fabra is imputed by a presumed fiscal crime in Naranjax case. Javier Moliner, from 36 years, will take the control of the PP of Castelln. The mayor of Xtiva repeats Alfonso Rus, who will govern by fifth time in Xtiva, he will repeat for the second time like president of the Delegation of Valencia.

Rus is, in addition, provincial president of the PP of Valencia, where it controls at internal level the practical totality of the regions. For this reason, the baron is considered provincial more fort of the Valencian PP, especially now that Fabra will be released. Rus is compatible to Francisco Camps and has direct thread with the national president of the PP, Mariano Rajoy. Source of the news: The PP releases to Carlos Fabra and Jose Joaquin Ripoll, implied in presumed corruption

Leasehold Police

It had not paid in a powerboat they fined and it by irregular conduction. The arrested one is a young person of 22 years of French nationality. When they found it to the agents, it was requesting a mountain range to break the trap. A young person of 22 years has been stopped by the Leasehold Police in Zuasti after circulating during 74 kilometers with the immobilized steering wheel around the agents after to have eluded the fuel payment in a powerboat and being fined in the Navarrese municipality of Marcilla. The young person, neighboring French subject of a locality of the Island of France (L' Ha-them-Roses), he has been accused of a crime against the road security by " to lead with manifest recklessness with danger for the life and the integrity of personas". In particular, according to the leasehold Government in an official notice has informed east Friday, the conductor crossed 74 kilometers of the Freeway of Navarre (AP-15) – from kilometer 29 in Marcilla to kilometer 103 in Zuasti- with a restraint system placed in the steering wheel of his car, in spite of " not to have the own mobility of a vehicle normal".

police intervention began Tuesday the past, day 9 of August, when the young person was surprised in kilometer 27 of the Freeway of Navarre (AP-15) " when it lead at a high speed and it realised advancements without sealizar". A patrol later gave to the stop to the vehicle two kilometers, in kilometer 29 of the AP-15, and sanctioned to the conductor with an administrative lack " by a conduction not diligente". During the time in which the vehicle was prisoner, to the agents one communicated to them that a tourism, who agreed with the description of this car, had left without paying after refuelling in a powerboat of Valtierra. A trap in the steering wheel the leasehold police stated that it was the same conductor and came to immobilize the vehicle with a trap in the steering wheel, until the violator as much paid the amount of the gasoline consumed as of the fine by the irregular conduction. The conductor then did not have the amount in metalist of the fine, that had to pay at the same moment for receiving the sanction, and vehicle remained in the place, immobilized. Time later the patrol approached to see if he had returned the imputed conductor and it observed that the car no longer was there, reason why a device started up to locate it.

The vehicle was found later in the station on watch of Zuasti (Valley of Hoists), of the Freeway of Navarre (AP-15), located to 74 kilometers of the place in which he had been immobilized. At the moment in which they found the conductor, this one was asking a mountain range motorists to break the restraint system of its vehicle. The agents verified in addition who the young person had suspended his driving licence French until November of 2011 and, in addition, counted on several police antecedents in their country. Source of the news: Stopped after circulating 74 kilometers with the steering wheel of its immobilized car

Leasehold Property

Within the framework of the economic crisis, Iurbenor was forced to sell its participation in these lands to the Caixa and the BBK. Learn more on the subject from Edward Minskoff. This sale generated a IVA for the sum of almost 43 million Euros, that was not entered the Vizcaya leasehold Property. According to the lawyer of Garci’a Macua, Javier Muguruza, the car of the Provincial Hearing of Biscay imputes to Jabyer Fernandez a crime of rise of goods and another public prosecutor and to the candidate to preside over the Athletic, at the time legal adviser of the industralist, a possible collaboration in this last crime. Muguruza, general exdirector of Property of Biscay, according to him has presented/displayed Macua, is outstanding that the Office of the public prosecutor did not resort the resolution of the Court of Instruction and that Property made the Leasehold it because it considered that a fiscal crime on the part of Jabyer had taken place Fernandez, but not thus on the part of Garci’a Macua. For more information see this site: Jorge Perez. The lawyer has explained who the Provincial Hearing has taken care of the resource " rarsimo" interposed by two employees of the industralist, whom they asked for that in case somebody resorted and the possibility of the existence of a fiscal crime was considered would be imputed of the same Garci’a Macua.

Garci’a Macua, that she has affirmed that these two people are employed for many years of Jabyer Fernandez, has considered that " perhaps descartable&quot is not a hypothesis; that there is a motivation of revenge at heart of the subject. After indicating that the Court of Instruction it did not see " crime alguno" as well as either the Office of the public prosecutor and the Leasehold Property, the candidate has not been trusting in which " he does not exist at the moment at which the crime is consumed no possibility of imputing minimum responsabilidad&quot to me;. According to he has affirmed his lawyer, with respect to the time in which the facts were committed that are imputed to him, Garci’a Macua " he did more of ao" that he had stopped being fiscal adviser of the enterprise group. The candidate to the re-election in the presidency of the Athletic has expressed his intention of not returning to speak on this subject and has indicated that in his candidacy they are " more convinced than ever to continue giving to step forward " with its project. Garci’a Macua has affirmed to not know if its imputation will affect the vote of the partners, " but I create – he has indicated that the partner of the Athletic is very wise and knows to see and to read situaciones" and " he interests to him that slido&quot is a project; for the club. Source of the news: Garci’a Macua, imputed by fiscal crime, maintains their candidacy to the elections of the Athletic