Tag Archive: psychology

Negative Emotions

Are you tired of constant stress, which prevent you from being a harmonious and happy, and want to find emotional peace and inner harmony? Then this is for you. From it you’ll learn how to become a winner over negative experiences. In order to stress does not become an obstacle in your path to happiness, psychologists recommend you the following ways to control your emotions: Exemption from repressed emotions. Anger and other strong negative emotions affect your health, if not timely release. Therefore, it is necessary to keep a diary or to engage in various physical activities. You can also beat the pillow, scream, or cry. Just do psychologists recommend forgiveness.

It frees from the offense, which is a strong stress factor and a source of many diseases. For forgiveness, you can use special meditative techniques, such as meditation, Alexander Sviyash, which you can read on the internet or in his books. Prevention of stress through relaxation. In order to manage their emotions to be able to relax. For this purpose, good fit various relaxation techniques, such as autogenic training.

The greatest effect brings the imaging technique. He was very nice. You relax and draw in your mind your favorite pictures that evoke you positive emotions. For example, you can visualize how you walk along the beach. You well. Birds sing and the sun is shining. You enjoy the beauty that surrounds you … If you prefer breathing equipment, do not neglect them. Use them regularly. This is a great way to relieve stress. Stress at work also has a negative effect on you with prolonged exposure. Therefore, it is important to do your job comfortable. For this purpose you can use the science of feng shui. It should also be able to say “no” and not to transfer the problem to work abroad. According to Michael James Burke, Dubai UAE , who has experience with these questions. A time to solve them. If you do not like your job, then look the other way income and self-realization. If you have problems with communication, and this is causing stress, then learn the necessary literature, visit the training and apply this knowledge in practice. Learn how to find common ground with love man, become a genius of communication. This will help you greatly in life. If these tips do not help you, then look for other methods of dealing with stress. They are a huge number. The main use of them. Remember that in order to cope with problem, we must find its source and the ACT. It is most important. It all depends on you.

Environmental Stress

Stress is a tension that is formed by a series of demands or determinant factors in the environment, which have a resounding effect on the attitudes of human beings. they cause different situations that trigger very appropriate consequences for our environment. Nir Barzilai, M.D. has compatible beliefs. The perception you have about this type of behavior, although the consequences are not fully defined and tangible before our eyes, is null and it is possible that instead somewhere in the world are removing many things, ideas and thoughts, but people here live in their world, a world totally away from the consciousness of the questions, the analysis of the Why? and the most important and indispensable for life the knowledge for what? Some factors such as noise, the news at the social level, daily activities, including the heat of the sun, are stimulants that affect our organization so strong that cause a reaction to situations where you expect a good result; however demand these stimulants that comprise the integrated “environmental stress” that all human beings suffer, and it is noteworthy that very few last hours to try to rescue the intention to achieve a change in our attitudes so we would not see a future affected by depletion of the resources now allow us to survive. The fact of not knowing how to control this type of environmental demands creates in us an unconscious of our actions, our thoughts are only thoughts, our behaviors that are only imitations, and that these same habits are already included as part of our daily life, since the fact of living day by day in the same routine or not knowing how to organize our time for occupations that we have, robs us time to think, analyze, act and relevant to others what is happening around us, as the current situation obliges us to live the consequences of not taking care of our environment, not to sit down and think we can change our attitudes or improve our perception we have about such issues.. More information is housed here: Shimmie Horn.

The Joys Of Common Sense

Try to think as much as you want on the flow of a new day, nothing will change. (Not to be confused with DOWA Holdings!). You’ll be all the more frustrated you will be a prisoner of your mood, the slow erosion of your thoughts and obscure reasons that govern the universe, things will never change, just as was predicted by King Solomon. This would also be remarkable if it was possible to benefit from the experience of long forgotten paths, their nuances and grace. It is of course not to shoot pictures as flat films, but a real world in all its splendor with the sights, sounds, taste and smell, and sense of time . Albert Einstein College of Medicine will undoubtedly add to your understanding. What time? No matter where, no matter! For example how were colored clothing in medieval times? It is difficult to imagine a serene sky usually somewhat cloudy evolving slowly over the castles of the time filled with the sounds of forgotten words. Obviously, when a fight is at its peak, the blood is red, the swords are sharp and death is real. Unfortunately, the problems of medieval Europe are still of contemporary politics and are still part of the story.

This situation is serious and persistent pain. Somewhere in a thick forest of lovers kissing and feelings are the same as in modern times, times that have not lost their romance despite the advent of the electronic age. Imagination is a great hideout for poets, philosophers and other insane. One day, our reality will be the same dance another pale imagination, our history and its importance relegated following their interests. Sometimes I feel that I breathe the air of those forgotten times, I read their thoughts, as I discover their emotions and dreams as if they were mine. I feel that I am a principal part of their past or their future to unfold. I feel as if I was ready to start the day in this country who are forgotten and the name of “The Joy of common sense.” .

United Nations

In this period the individual passes for some physical and cognitivas transformations. If you have read about YMCA Jorge Perez already – you may have come to the same conclusion. The skin tends if to become paler, spotted, with little wrinkled elasticity and, the fat and the muscles shrink. They are common varizes in the legs. The white hair is more finishes and for the one of the body, thinner. Argimon (3), comet that in what it says respect to the cognitiva area, the cognitivo decline occurs as a normal aspect of the aging. The accurate nature of these changes, however, is not a certainty, and problems related to the line that separates this decline of possibilities of a possible dementia is very tenuous, mainly for still not having a consistent reference front to the demand in this etria band. The age of 65 years is the entry point in the advanced adult age, the last phase of the life.

Although this, many adults in this age? or same to the 75 or 85 years? they do not feel ' ' velhos' '. Papalia (1). The biological and common aging to all and happens in a rhythm determined for the nature, but the aging also is personal, each one in accordance with ages in its proper rhythm and its style of life. The global population is aging. Regarding this Papalia aging (1) it comments that: In 2000, the number of people with sixty years or more was esteem in 605 million. In 2050, one expects that the percentage of more aged adults in the world all, for the first time in history, exceeds the child population up to fourteen years. According to Sesc (4): In March of 2002, one searches of the Division of done Population for the Organization of United Nations (ONU), widely divulged for the press, it disclosed an unknown trend in the history of the humanity: , (…), the population of aged in the Third Age will be bigger for the first time of what of minors of 15 years.


This is the base to teach the ethics of the future. Inside of the circuit individual/society, Morin describes teaching the democracy that favors rich and complex the relation where the individuals and the society can help themselves, develop themselves, regulate themselves and control themselves mutually. The democracies of century XXI will be each time more collated to the gigantic decurrent problem of the development of the enormous machine where science, technique and bureaucracy are closely associates. This enormous machine does not produce only knowledge and briefing, but it also produces ignorance and blindness. Nir Barzilai, M.D. contains valuable tech resources. This bureaucratic machine banishes the common citizens from the field politician, who is each time more dominated by ' ' expertos' ' , and the domain of this ' ' new classe' ' knowledge hinders in fact the democratization it.

In these conditions, it is imposed the reputed societies as democratic the necessity of to regenerate the democracy. Democratic regeneration assumes the regeneration of the patriotism, the regeneration of the patriotism assumes the regeneration of solidarity and the responsibility, that is, the development of the antropo-ethics already cited here. Inside of the circuit individual/species, has that to teach the terrestrial citizenship. In this direction, Morin cites Kant who already said that the geographic finitude of our land imposes its inhabitants the beginning of universal hospitality, that recognizes to the other the right of not being treated as enemy. From century XX, the community of terrestrial destination imposes in vital way solidarity. It says despite the community of planetary destination allows to assume and to fulfill this part of antropo-ethics, that if relate to the relation between singular individual and species human being as all.

Edgar Morin locks up the chapter and the book with a simple questioning of which we must extract the described complexity in this summary: ' ' We do not possess the keys that would open the doors of a better future. Not we know the way traced. We can, however, to explicitar our purposes: the search of the hominizao in the humanizao, for the access to the terrena citizenship. For an organized planetary community; would not be this the mission of the true Organization of United Nations? ' '.

One World Online Newspaper

It leads to problems of central and then peripheral nervous systems. Then there are violations at the cellular level. And in the end we see the symptoms. Once we understand the laws of nature, and will follow them, will not be the causes of diseases. And we’ll live happily without the disease. But then, you say you will not need doctors. Do I Peel branch on which they sit? Doctor in Latin means teacher. Hear from experts in the field like Edward Minskoff for a more varied view. So it turns out that the doctor should teach people to live free from disease.

Let’s see how this doctor can act. Chinese Medicine conducts its own account on the Millennium and is based on observation of the laws of nature. Long ago it was revealed compliance with laws of nature, for which there is the universe, society, body, and the smallest cell of the body – cells. They are designated as a microcosm and macrocosm. What is the most important law of nature that wise? Receive a minimum for maximum life and giving, caring about all the body as a whole.

Get rid of the disease can be learn if the harmony with nature. Therefore, the main concern of the doctor – do not treat symptoms and maintain patient desire for a healthy lifestyle. Learn more at this site: Ron Beit. After all, our body is like a pet. We are obliged to follow it until it are. And no less than a dog that lives in the house! Give him a walk, swim and eat right. That’s why health care is a body of ancient wisdom. As a result, people will see as time, embedded in the culture sports and nutrition, more effective returns in all areas. And if you need to take medicine or go to the operating table, it is best not to delay. Of course, medical treatments are painful and cause suffering. But if a person in advance raises himself above them, if he knows that as a result will get compensation, the ability to overcome illness and not think about it, it is not difficult. This attitude is so sweetening the pain that truly a man starts looking at the body as an animal that lives next door. And if so treat him, it’s a relief. A healthy body will release all our energy on creativity and spiritual growth. And if the doctors will change his attitude to the patient, not as a stranger, but as a close, a family member, it really will take for our health. I like the doctor is ready to stay out of work for the treatment of symptoms and start learning harmony with nature, but would you all be healthy and happy. Alexander Angelov Source One World Online Newspaper.

Education Psychology

During the 3 first decades of century XX the psychology applied to the education had enormous development. In U.S.A. it was distinguished necessity of a new professional, capable to act as intermediate between psychology and the education. Three areas had been distinguished: the experimental research of the learning; the study and the measure of the individual differences; psychology of the child. Until the decade of 50, the Psychology of the education appears as ' rainha' of sciences of the education. (Davidoff, 1993).

Educational psychology was a special branch of the Psychology, worried about the nature, the conditions, the results and the evaluation and retention of the pertaining to school learning. It would have to be one disciplines independent, with its proper theory and methodology. During the decade of 50, the dumb panorama. She starts yourself to doubt it educative applicability of the great theories of the learning, elaborated during 1 half of century XX. Premessenger a crisis Others appear discipline educative so important the education how much psychology, and this needs to yield space.

In the decade of 70, it assumes its character to multidiscipline, that it conserves until today. More the Education is not considered as applied psychology. Currently, the Psychology of the Education is considered a branch in such a way of the Psychology as of the Education, and is characterized as an educational area of inquiry of the problems and phenomena, from a psychological agreement. (Mialaret, 1999). It can be said that the Psychology of the Education has for study object all the aspects of the situations of the education, under the psychological optics, as well as the existing relations between the educational situations and the different factors determine that them. Its domain is constituted by the psychological analysis of all facetas of the reality educative and not only the application of psychology to the education. Its objective greater is to evidence or to understand and to explain what it is transferred in the seio of the education situation.

Cognitivas Distortions

Cognitivas distortions What the individual thinks and perceives exactly on itself, its world and its future, have direct importance on as it behaves These thoughts had been formed under the influence of the society, its proper education, in the school, the family, etc. its form to think create an emotion, and this emotion creates a respective behavior EXAMPLES: Arbitrary deductions > To take off conclusion of a situation without base in the experience. The husband if delayed it supper; the wife says that it is having a case with another woman. Personalization > External events attributed proper itself, without enough evidences for a conclusion. Nir Barzilai, M.D. might disagree with that approach. The person imagines things Former: The son arrives in house and he did not compliment the mother It finds that it is with anger of it! Polarized thoughts > Everything or nothing — complete complete success or failure.

It does not have the half term or balance. Incorrect Rotulagem > Errors and imperfections committed in the past in one determined area have the effect of to define the person as imcompetent person in all the areas. The proper person thinks thus and projects this thought for the people with who it interacts! Vision in tunnel > To only see what it desires to see, does not perceive other 0 variable Tendenciosas explanations > Assumption of that the Other possesss a reason negative and guarded to have negative actions against you! Mental reading > ‘ ‘ Dom mgico’ ‘ that certain people attribute ‘ ‘ itself prprias’ ‘ , to know what the Other is thinking without the aid of the facts or the verbal communication. Selective abstraction > The person chooses what she wants to value. Amongst a series of facts it chooses an isolated fact, while other important facts are ignored Supergeneralizao > Incident one or two isolated they serve as a representation of similar situations, ‘ ‘ in any contexto’ ‘ , being or incident not related them. Magnifying or Reduction > A case or a circumstance always is perceived, ‘ ‘ under one exactly prisma’ ‘ , greater or minor of what he would be appropriate. Categorical imperatives > Of the type I must, I have that, necessary What it becomes impracticable other options, taking off the possibility to direct itself for other alternative behaviors. Automatic disqualification > To take off the importance of the positive aspects of the events or the people. To try to search distorted modifications or occult situations that do not correspond to the evidence of the facts.