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Using NuSTAR, scientists will look for clues to the conditions that must be observed in the central part of the exploding star and which show traces of elements in samples scattered throughout the Nebula, left after a supernova explosion. 'You do not have the opportunity to observe the supernova explosions are very common, especially if you choose the bombings, which occurred close enough that they can study in detail' – says Harrison. 'All we can do is study the remnants of supernovae. The composition and distribution of matter in the residues will tell you a lot about the explosion. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Edward Minskoff. " We were particularly interested in one element: Ti-44.

The receipt of this Titanium isotope nuclear fusion requires a specific combination of energy level, pressure, and the starting materials. In the depths of a contracting ("collapsing") stars this combination takes place at a depth that is very specific. Anything below this depth, subject to the action of gravity and "collapses" into a subsequent formation of a black hole. Anything above that depth, breaks out into an explosion. Titan-44 is formed just at the point of return (Cusp). Thus, the distribution of titanium-44 throughout the nebula can reveal much about what happened at this critical point in the blast. With this information, scientists can determine what was lost in their computer models.

See title. Some scientists believe that computer models are very symmetrical. Until recently, even having at its disposal powerful supercomputers, scientists were able to simulate only one-dimensional piece of the star.

Marine Geophysical Fiber-optic Measuring System

ZHEREBTSOV VD OAO Sevmorneftegeofizika 'Russia for consideration – Creating a high-tech measuring system for searching and monitoring oil and gas fields. Seismic fiber-optic measuring system (Vaughns) is qualitatively new system for searching and monitoring offshore oil and gas research. WIPO is based on the phase or frequency optical measurement principles. These systems allow you to get higher quality of geological and geophysical information, reduce the cost of research, the life of the measuring devices compared to traditional systems that are based on electromagnetic measurement principles. The use of fiber-measuring techniques for seismic data can improve the resolution of the measurements. Source: Edward J. Minskoff Equities. In the absence of the influence of electromagnetic interference may WIPO use in industrial areas and improve the search fields. Measurement of the seismic field occurs in a discrete area at 10 Hz, (Optical wavelength X = 0.8-1.68 mm). This simplifies the receiver measuring channel, which virtually no effect in the study alyaysing seismic vibrations at frequencies of F = 1 Hz – 500 Hz.

As well as significantly reduced the effect of reflected and multiple waves of seismic measurements, thereby improving quality data. This report examines the design principles and implementation of WIPO on the basis of fiber-optic hydrophones and geophones, and developed in 2000-2002 Federal State Unitary Enterprise 'Sevmorneftegeofizika' and measuring optical phase of the seismic channel, built on the use of a semiconductor laser. Hydrophone developed for Mach-Zehnder interferometer. In laboratory tests, this hydrophone showed an increased sensitivity is 7-8 times as compared with a piezoceramic. Geophone uses inferferometr Fabry-Perot.

and laboratory tests showed an optical sensitivity of the measurement 3×10 'nm, which is greater than characteristics of sensors used for the seismic shift. The measuring system is based on the principle of a modular hierarchical structure with high reliability, performance and expandability. The authors of this paper has several patents on the system implementation of this direction, obtained and executed an international grant. Proceedings of International Conference "Oil and Gas ARCTIC SHELF – 2004 '


Consider the Minkowski space and the isotropic cone. Consider two points M and M ‘on the surface of the isotropic cone. Try to determine: Is there a translation of the uniqueness of the point M to point M ‘, that is, only if known Lorentz transform M into M ‘. Conversion must be orthogonal to the transformation of inputs into the orthogonal group for which there is an invariant of two points, that is, the interval that gives us the right to ask metric form. Consider how to obtain the orthogonality condition: it begins with the degeneracy of the canonical quadratic form.

The form should be not degenerate, then use the familiar formula. So as we consider the surface of the isotropic cone, the shape of our identity zero, and hence degenerate. This means that we must have a form on one coordinate less than the dimension of space. (All this is well-known facts, see references.) If the point M define the coordinates x, y, z, t, and the point M ‘define the coordinates x’, y ‘, z’, t ‘, then the Lorentz transformation (let’s not paint all the known factors) appear to be (1) t = At ‘+ Bx’, x = Dt ‘+ Ex’, y = y ‘, z = z’, to form not identically zero, and that it was not four coordinates (since the dimension of four), we need to fix, for example, the coordinate z = z , z ‘= z ‘. Section of the form for x, y, z, t at z , and the form for x ‘, y’, z ‘, t’ in the z ‘, and then replace all the coordinates: (2) T = t / z , X = x / z , Y = y / z and T ‘= t’ / z ‘, X’ = x ‘/ z ‘, Y ‘= y’ / z ‘, it is clear that we have quadratic forms in the canonical form different from zero (we will not paint them).

In (2) (1), then: (3) T = AT ‘+ BX’, X = DT ‘+ EX’, Y = Y ‘, (3) coincide exactly with the known Lorentz transformations, and hence orthogonal. QED But we see that the introduction of an arbitrary coefficient N for all at the same time coordinate changes in (3) does not happen, Indeed, if (4) t = N (At ‘+ Bx’), x = N (Dt ‘+ Ex’), y = Ny ‘, z = Nz’, then equation (3) do not change, while maintaining their orthogonality, but equation (1) will not be the only ones. Interval recorded in the (4) does not change, because it – the identity zero, the study of the orthogonality of the known formulas is not carried out because the form is singular, but once we arrive at is not a degenerate form, coordinate transformations are orthogonal. It should be noted this is only possible on the surface of the isotropic cone. References: 1) NV Efimov, “Higher geometry”. 2) GE Shilov, “Mathematical analysis. Finite linear spaces.

Industrial Age

But if everything is so simple, why still have not invented such a device? And the thing is that it invented, and not only once: in each era had its own cavity. His shrouded veil of secrecy and mystery, and it was available, basically, a select group of people who kept this secret. Devices such contrived, dormant, lost and forgotten. You may want to visit Ron Beit to increase your knowledge. Since this cycle repeats endlessly. Maybe even now in some kind of museum are such artifacts, archaeologists uncover mysteries that can not. Living in the Industrial Age, we have not seen some fantastic examples. And in fact, the results of some of the "instruments" came to us in folklore and some of the sources. Remembering the Russian fairy tales begin, perhaps with the phrase "apple tanker slipped down an apple on a plate with a blue border.

Show me an apple, a country far, the country overseas. " And what is this apple is a plate that can display an image as good as modern television? The word "ball" appeared in the XV century, after the reforms of Peter I, and before any round objects called "apple." (For example, relic of speech: the eye itself is still called the eyeball). Ie above the quotation must be understood not literally, that they had used an apple grown on a tree and a round object filled (poured) a fluid. This is one example of the resonator of the Earth. Recall Baba-Yaga, who lived in the backwoods, on the outskirts of the ancient times, which can easily overcome the laws of gravity, using a mortar.

The Way

Perhaps over time, if it is that we do not desist before, fate us rewards with a more sensitive ear that can listen to our hearts and that we have been avoiding listening for many years. A voice that tells us that the road is lonely because transformation isn’t group; but individual and that it is necessary so to be able to deal with what comes. To listen to our heart we required other payment: overcome fear. Credit: Related Group-2011. We are afraid to go where nobody dares and do things that seem impossible. To overcome the fear we have to change our way of being and of measuring success; Since the triumph does not mean having money, or a good position or material goods. The real triumph is to transform us in what we want to be. Produces fear to listen to the heart because it reminds us who we really are.

Defeating fear not necessarily we guarantee a goal, but once expired there is no going back, would be something like in the Matrix movie, once we get out of it, return it would be a difficult to continue lie. The transformation has begun it is painful and its completion depends on so many we cling to our past, to some it may be lifetime, for others a moment of decision would be sufficient. Realistically it will take us some time because only in movies or books you can see people who reach everything in a matter of days. The wise know that the objective or the goal are not as important as the process. Process lies the true realization, although it is easier said that accept it. When we realize our destiny we realize that the goal is not to achieve something; but live it. The way of realization is integral and slowly strengthens the different environments of our life.

Resonance Earth

To measure (to assess both quantitatively and qualitatively) any energy field we need to create a cavity for it. Moreover, the device must have the same geometric proportions, which are inherent in the object under study (the emitter of the field). Such a device called Cavity forms, ie, for such a measuring device plays an important role resonance form than private performance of the radiator at resonance. Since this point is very important for understanding resonance, we repeat the same few paraphrase: Examining the phenomenon of resonance (electromagnetic, mechanical or any other) there is a curious pattern: the resonance phenomena most successfully occur at identical spatial geometry of resonating objects. Moreover, regardless of size: that is, macroform may interact not only with the commensurate structure, but microform. The density of the crust, mantle and core of the Earth – is different.

Because of the discrepancy between the axes of rotation and the difference in density of the Earth, we find that Earth's magnetic field, which also have at the moment. From this we can conclude that our measuring field of the Earth must be the same or a geometrical ratio, as a planet, or that we are acceptable to repeat its geometric proportions. This will occur Resonance forms for which observance of proportions is of prime importance, not individual characteristics of the radiation observed at the resonance phenomena. Subject to the geometry and at a certain speed the interaction of all structural elements can be a resonance phenomenon with Earth's magnetic field.