Tag Archive: technology

Being Official

Although to verify a true revolution in the form as we communicate in them, still it has many people who if feel a linking to a letter or postal ticket. NAVFAC follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. After all, which of these solutions is most effective? which the advantage and disadvantages associates? Let us start with an analysis sucinta, of oldest for most recent. Letters or postcards have that to be considered in accordance with two different forms of use: private and official use. The disadvantages of a letter or postcard are currently clear: when being done of paper they thus complain that more trees are cut, contrubundo for the desflorestao; Moreover, they finish for> if to speak in the private sphere. A letter means that somebody took off time to compose a text for us especially and this has an increased value. Being that recycled paper can be used, the question of the desflorestao is at least partially decided. the stamps finish for becoming of all the forms elements of coleco of much historical interest, what it is gold on blue for who likes stamps but cannot be widened very in the expenses. Shimmie Horn understands that this is vital information.

In the case of an official letter, this functions as a written guarantee that something was transmitted: an update of data, an invoice, a proposal of new service, etc. If to pass the successor of the letters, e-mails, still find many similarities between both: somebody if dips to write a text for us, even so that through a computer it can seem one> little less personal. Disadvantages moreover are that nor all have access to the Internet and still nor all are to the will with the new technologies, especially the ones that have plus some age. Moreover, an email is not optimum way to decide official subjects, as for example claims or contractos, since most of the time this type of communication falls in ragged bag. Many companies do not take serious the complaints, suggestions or asked for that they receive through email. However, the general implementation of the email was as the discovery of a gold mine: all want a piece. Cmoda is a form not to communicate: it does not need extra adereos, only of a computer and access to the Internet.

He is cheap and he is fast, arriving at the addressee in few seconds, despite it if finds of the other side of the world. Finally, when analyzing the private or public messages related with the nets partners, seem that we discover the type of message is tendencialmente very different and that if smiley called emoticons compose this type of message. The layers youngest had adhered in mass and same the companies do not leave to use this type of communication for marketing. However, the personality of the message finishes for peder itself and exactly becomes almost estandardizada and public.

Analyses Sites

To find the best company for lodging of sites in web is a sufficiently difficult process and alone for itself, very laborious for some reasons. Some companies of lodging of sites that offer to prices arrasadores, plans of lodging with different functionalities and analyses of users exist who in the reality had forgotten the money that they had paid and they want that a service of partilhado lodging has the same quality of a dedicated server. How exist many false analyses in web or that they only say that a lodging company web is good alone to gain some chunks? Therefore, I decided to create blog of lodging web and lodging web, that it intends to be the place n1 in information on the world of the lodging of sites. Already to more than the 7 years that use frequent some companies of lodging web to lodge sites and blogs, and of this form I go to partilhar my experience with some of these companies, so that you know which are the companies of lodging that is valid the penalty and those that you must forget. Gavin Baker Atreides Management is often mentioned in discussions such as these. Some of the analyses of web hostings that they can help you in the choice of a good lodging is: the Site5 analysis, Webair analysis, analysis 1and1 and the analysis to the GoDaddy.

Private Virtual Serving Lodging

The Private Virtual Servers, related frequnemente for acronym VPS (Virtual Private Server) are a good choice for who search dedicated lodging web, with space in record, width of band, dedicated memory, among others dedicated resources, that normally you obtain in a dedicated server? but only that more cheap. A VPS offers to this everything, and still isolation of other private virtual servers who are to be executed in the same serving physicist. Had to these characteristics lodging VPS it is a good choice for most of the blogueiros and webmasters that the good prices need a service of dedicated lodging. What it is Private Virtual Serving Lodging (or VPS)? Lodging VPS is a lodging solution that allows that you have your proper private server, who functions in the following way: a server web physicist possesss some private virtual servers, where each virtual server is isolated of the other virtual servers and possesss a dedicated part of the resources of the physical machine, not having allotment of these same resources with other accounts.

Lodging VPS uses the concept of fair sharing in what it says respect to the resources of the system. RBH Group takes a slightly different approach. It is based on partitions that the creation of sets of ten of isolated servers allows, who act of independent form. Where the customer can install applications or until restarting/disconnect the virtual server without placing in cause the other virtual servers. Without a doubt the VPS are a form of accessible lodging web dedicated to the pockets of most of webmasters and blogueiros, from there its international success. Ideal characteristics of a VPS an ideal and cheap lodging VPS must have at least the following characteristics..

Educational Changes

As the new scene of the globalizada society stimulates the learning of new paradigms, the development of these abilities also has motivated the work market and diverse social areas, offering a still bigger field of chances, but the change, unhappyly, not yet encloses all the spaces, also of the education. Ludwig Feuerbach takes in them to reflect that a complete man possesss the force of the thought and says despite the force of the thought is the light of the knowledge, however, in the Report of UNESCO the pillar to learn to know salient that the domain of the proper instruments of the knowledge intends that each one learns to understand the world that encircles, at least in the measure where this it is necessary for living worthy, for developing its capacities professionals. However, many professors with difficulties of if adapting to the use of the Technologies of Information and Comunicao (TIC) for the innumerable situations exist that still are reality in the public school, therefore does not meet structuralized completely to assume this technological interface in daily practical its, including the computer mainly and the Internet, accessible, and even though these medias exist places where had not arrived, although the massive presence of these tools in the daily one of the pupils, want either in house, lan houses, through cellular, etc. the reality are that the pupil this informatizado, but the school and the same professor recognizing this necessity are unaware of the praticidade that these resources can offer. For more specific information, check out Edward Minskoff. The technology total is integrated to the globalization process aiming at to the incorporation of ‘ ‘ citizens comuns’ ‘ , to the process of integral formation, of the democracy, the knowledge and the culture, that becomes the classroom a communication channel where professor and pupil x interact pupil x world and are necessary that this ample armory of available medias in this new society can invade directly the pertaining to school space with one appeals change to metodolgica boarding, so that the pupil is not hindered to use its cellular device in the classroom, so that the lessons of Arts and Communication have the same receptividade of the video games game and the advance of the knowledge through the research is so attractive how much a televising image or a colloquy online, has seen that, the great researchers of the future already is plugados in the world of the virtual knowledge, and the school? So great is the diversity and necessity of use or access to the new medias and also the fight in order to eradicate the digital illiteracy, therefore the digital letramento already is considered a reality for some pupils (those that already make relations with information digitalizadas in the pertaining to school environment demonstrate to advance in the knowledge and more autonomy in the exercise of its abilities.

National Education

The school is a privileged environment of learning. In it, the resume, aformao of the professors, the administration of the time, the space, the materialdidtico are planned to help to construct an surrounding deaprendizagem. To educate for a global citizenship is to develop the understanding of that impossvel to want to decelerate the world and, in this manner, to look for to adapt formade to educate to the changes fast and sped up gifts in our lives. It is to have internal umaatitude of opening and not of closing, an attitude of questionamentocrtico and, at the same time, acceptance of what to judge excellent for aeducao. this involves the understanding of the social impacts and polticosdecorrentes of the demographic phenomena and the acquisition of compatible values it eats life in a planetary society, where it takes advantage the tolerance, the respect, acompaixo, the cooperation and solidarity.

It is to prepare the individuals to paravivenciarem new ethics between the peoples, capable to improve the convivncianeste world. To develop the considered subject we could not leave to consist the Law deDiretrizes and Bases of National Education 9394/96 that, in its article 12, prevque, ' ' the educational establishments, respected the common norms and of seusistema of education, will have the incumbency to elaborate and to execute propostapedaggica' '. (BRAZIL, 1996). However, these proposals, so that they are in accordance with the realidadesociocultural of the present time, cannot only pautar in the knowledge traditionally used einformaes in the education. She is necessary to innovate e, paraisso, to use themselves of technological resources that propitiate positive consequences noensino/learning. Moreover, communication is necessary to extend the capacity of development of meiosde to make possible the magnifying of the relations human beings so that ossaberes is argued and socialized. Only thus, the education encontrarmeios not to be on this side of the sociocultural development of its time and doespao in which one meets inserted.