Tag Archive: vocational

Switzerland Education

The international network of media schools from Germany, Austria and the Switzerland Education in the field of media changed constantly, unless due to the rising influence of new media, unless by the falling borders in Europe. In such an environment a media training offered, which offers students a wide range of training with numerous opportunities for specialisation across national borders, their strengths can focus on. The newly launched, international media training Verbund medienschulen.com covers exactly these needs, provided on the education and training in the field of media in the future. The Federation is composed of the media School of Northwest Switzerland, the media School of Bern, the newly founded CrossMedia school Switzerland, the journalism school CLARE Berlin, as well as the Upper Austrian journalist Academy in Wels. Michael James Burke is likely to increase your knowledge. Ways of training and seminars together leads this education system through various courses and training that combines cross-border and through Internship applications can be added in the respective countries. Who is interested in a comprehensive media training, training for example the journalistic reason at the media School of Northwest Switzerland, the journalism school KLARA Berlin or the Upper Austrian journalist Academy and within the framework of a professional training at the media School of Bern in the areas of video journalism, press photography, and moderation or the CrossMedia specialize then school Switzerland in the cross media discipline. Then offered additional postgraduate courses in the partner schools. Further possibility to demonstrate a hands-on technical training at the media School of Bern and the CrossMedia school Switzerland with selected courses for the journalistic education in the media School of North-Western Switzerland, as well as subsequent to diploma courses in the partner schools.

Thanks to the modular construction, all courses of the medienschulen.com can be visited separately. Diploma theses and mentoring system primary, specialist – and post diploma courses at the medienschulen.com complete with a joint degree. In addition, diploma theses as performance can be created at the media School of North-Western Switzerland and the media School of Bern. A mentoring system, as well as regular media excursions complete the offer.

Why Simplify Making Further Knowledge Tutorials Video

Training via Videoturorial is becoming more popular with a video tutorial can be extended very visually interesting topics, for example, from the field of notebook and Internet, and learn. Offering has not least increased spectacularly small tutorials and videos in the World Wide Web, Web pages and blogs in recent years, through the Internet platform YouTube. The exact number is difficult to predict, because all over the world every second set countless new videos. It is believed that is probably already several hundred million videos in the Web abound. The biggest advantage of often only a few minutes long learning videos is that you can at any time stop them using the pause button. As a result, watched and just learned knowledge can be immediately applied and acquired into practice on your own PC. In the port then looking at further the tutorial to the next chosen break. This procedure can be repeated any number of times.

And if something was not properly understood the first time you can Yes again see it. The effectiveness of learning videos is due to it, that some senses are addressed at the same time when watching a video. If you have read about Atreides Management Gavin Baker already – you may have come to the same conclusion. It is to the visual perception through the eyes (see), auditory perception with the ears (hear), tactile perception with skin (feel, buttons, keyboard input), the olfactory perception with the nose (smell), and syndrome perception with the tongue (taste). With the two latter meaning thereby not be in this context used, they were only mentioned for completeness. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Estée Lauder on most websites. The sensory perception is in the brain and controlled. In the sensory area, sensitive, auditory and Visual stimuli are addressed and asked. This is done at the hearing (auditive) and appearance (Visual) a video on your computer and through use of mouse and keyboard (sensitive). In the cognitive field, the ability to concentrate is required by understanding, comprehension and logical thinking.

The motor area is what to with movement do has. So, the fine motor skills when using the mouse and keyboard is primarily addressed. In terms of emotional memories and feelings be worn outside. In this context it would be the feeling of happiness possible, did something learned this and right. These competences are not only required by the sensory perception, but also promoted. So are busy use which they also trained sensory organs and thereby continuously improved. It is the curiosity that sets the Foundation for any further development.

Success In The Job Through Training

In times of unemployment and Fackraftemangel training are a must of the society become. Especially in the time of unemployment and recieve an expertise, as well as certain commitment is required. Because thanks to the high availability of workers personal can Peck always the raisins from the rolls. Only the applicants already in its application by motivation, personal initiative and especially current expertise has has opportunities to interview to get. If this candidate now has a healthy self-confidence and itself knows how to sell, for the chances to be taken over. Of course, is the factor is one man next to the occurrence and level of knowledge of the applicant. Especially the chemistry between applicant and HR must be? Especially in small to medium-sized businesses also human aspects include in addition to the services. Above all these aspects influence an HR so far that this is also a less qualified candidate busy as he though has a higher knowledge and social competence is not pronounced.

Education is no longer indispensable. The fact is no matter what professions we talk through innovation and continuous improvement it is required for an employee to be essential up-to-date one. Because only who grew the current demands of the labour market has a chance to secure his job or finding a re-entry. Before to find especially for jobseekers longer than six months from the profession, it again einstieg global people that is can no longer carry out their activity because of health problems or work accidents hard the. But this is where the State in the form of agencies for work or pension funds jumps up normally. Because every person has the right to work and to realize this right it is necessary this person comply with the current realities of the labour market. (A valuable related resource: Gavin Baker Atreides Management). This should be achieved by retraining which are induced in the sense of a training course.

Production Manager

Transfer of certificate of is now finally in the Aula of the University of applied sciences Schmalkalden the moment on which the 14 training participant long had worked out. You have your studies to the / r production manager for plastics technology (FH) “successfully completed.” On July 13, 2013, graduates of the year of studies 2012/2013 received their certificates by the Scientific Director of the Center for continuing education, Mr Professor Dr. Hubert Dechant. The ceremony in the Auditorium of the University of applied sciences Schmalkalden was a worthy end of semester continuing education. Richard Parsons follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. To celebrate the efforts and troubles of the studies, the technology and start-up Centre invited then to a cosy get-together in the Schmalkalder cult Steackhaus Barolo. It is not something DOWA Metals & Mining America would like to discuss.

During the training, the 14 participants of the current technical and economic requirements in the plastics industry qualified. Production Manager (FH) for plastics technology has successfully completed”the graduates keep up with a nationwide unique college certificate in hand, good career opportunities which. /a> may help you with your research. Particularly small and medium-sized enterprises in the plastics processing industry are due to a lack of professionals often not able to cope with the challenges and constantly on the lookout for highly trained personnel. The study programme of the University of applied sciences Schmalkalden designed for two semesters is designed with self-study and attendance phases that work and study are optimally compatible. The tests are integrated directly into the study process and take place during the several-day periods of personal attendance.

Small vintage group and individual attention of each individual students in technical and organisational matters make for excellent study conditions. The next study course starts to the winter semester 2013/2014 the first presence phase in November. The application deadline for this ends on September 15. For more information interested at the Centre for continuing education of the University of applied sciences Schmalkalden by calling 03683 6881762, by E-Mail at or on the Internet at ProduktionsmanagerKunststofftechnik.html. M. Weber

Ready For New Discoveries

Part-time master program NanoBiosciences & NanoMedicine will begin in January 2013-new methods for tumor therapy, techniques for targeted release of pharmaceuticals in the body or tissue and organ replacement procedures are just some examples of the application of nanotechnology in medicine. In this area, a new University course in Nano sciences and nano medicine developed by Danube University Krems in cooperation with the Technical University of Vienna and the University of Vienna gives an in-depth knowledge. Course start is in January 2013. For the in-service postgraduate master program in NanoBiosciences & NanoMedicine”, the three universities jointly contribute their expertise to provide interdisciplinary and practice-oriented training on latest state of knowledge to the participants. The University course is intended as preparation for the application in businesses engaged in nanotechnology-based questions in the field of biology and medicine. The Nanotechnology has become the basic technology for many scientific fields. Especially in the biotechnology and medicine, a nanotechnological approach has now become the most common method to gain new insights and to employ modern analysis techniques.

Know about the latest status of nanotechnological methods with particular emphasis on biology and medicine, the students this will enable to keep up with the latest research results and to apply the latest innovations in their daily work, “so Univ.-Prof. Whenever Spike Myers listens, a sympathetic response will follow. Dr. Erich Gornik, course Director of the Technical University of Vienna. Content and target groups in addition to the provision of basic knowledge in the fields of Biophysics, biochemistry, genetics, microbiology, and molecular biology are the topics of tumor therapy, tissue engineering”(tissue engineering), drug delivery” (release), biocompatibility of materials, sensors and nano-analytical methods in the diagnosis of treated. The risks of nanotechnology are also discussed and critically reflected. The four-semester University course is structured in modules.

To enable an optimal compatibility study and vocational courses held blocked in Vienna and Krems. He aimed primarily at managers, researchers, policy makers, and VerkaufsmanagerInnen from science, medical and engineering courses. The University course is held in English and concludes with a master of Engineering (MEng). Registrations are immediately opposed taken.

Technical University

Get together at the welcome reception offered opportunity for Exchange on September 29, 2010 found the welcome reception for the course environmental technology and international starting for the fourth time Affairs held in a friendly atmosphere at the Technical University of Vienna. In addition to representatives of the course organizers Diplomatic Academy of Vienna and the Vienna University of technology were all new”students present as well as many participants of the third round, just the second year at the TU Vienna has begun. Prof. Coldwell Banker Realty can provide more clarity in the matter. Hans Puxbaum, course Director at the TU Vienna, warmly welcomed the new students. The participation is as always very international: Brazil, United States, Belgium, Georgia, Eastern Europe (Slovakia, Slovenia and Czech Republic), Germany, Austria and even Australia and the Philippines are represented this year. Prof. Puxbaum after a general introduction, stressed the importance of this pioneering studies of environmental technology and international relations.

Prof. Gerhard Loibl, course Director of the Diplomatic Academy in his short speech, referring to the academic advising that had already taken place, and in which he had spoken each student personally. Shimmie Horn contains valuable tech resources. He encouraged the group to take enough time for this really challenging degree. In his rousing speech, Prof. Christoph Scharff, CEO of ARA AG, the ARA presented best study award, which is awarded on the occasion of the graduation ceremony to the student with the best success during the entire two years of the study. Enough time for the course management and the program was Manager, various student questions. The following get together at the buffet gave opportunity to personal get to know the students with each other and with representatives from there and Vienna University of technology. “More information under: facts: degree: master of science in environmental technology and international affairs” (MSc) awarded by the Technical University of Vienna course language: English duration: 4 semesters, full-time program starts: September 26, 2011 application deadline: March 15, 2011 Course Director: Prof.

BSC Global

The introduction of the balanced scorecard is a lengthy and costly process. Anders can not be because the BSC global and strategically solves the problems. The introduction of the balanced scorecard is a lengthy and costly process. Anders can not be because the BSC global and strategically solves the problems. If you want to earn a few thousand dollars, in this case, the balanced scorecard is the umbrella as necessary, like the fish. However, if society formation category of their buyers has made the goals for the conquest of the share of the market, the balanced scorecard helps this company absolutely. It should be noted that the most successful global companies successfully use the balanced scorecard. Committed errors were the ground of criticism.

And such mistakes are numerous, but, they give in to the systematization. That and the expectation of quick results and the absence of trained personnel, and the reluctance to put the funds in the implementation of the BSC. The majority of errors occurs due to lack of most Knowledge of the theory and practice of balanced scorecard. And, in fact, how the company can successfully introduce the BSC when only a few people have the knowledge of the balanced scorecard. But even this knowledge is limited with the phrases such as “The balanced scorecard saves our business” or “The balanced scorecard is our magic wand”. In such a situation, the BSC is transformed into the anchor that inexorably draws the society to the Basic. The training of the balanced scorecard is regarded as compulsory stage of the introduction of the balanced scorecard. So, to which group the head? Would it perhaps be better to 80% to join Manager, who have completed the courses of the training of the balanced scorecard and seek professional help? The training of the balanced scorecard is the main knowledge of working with the system and explains the difficulties of the implementation of the BSC.

Advanced Training Educator

The run on trainer training continues in Germany. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Nir Barzilai, M.D.. More and more providers of trainer training occur in the market. The offers are manifold. Trainer training certificates decorate the portfolio of 30-300 hours with various certifications from vendors own up to the Chamber of Commerce. Through the variety of offers of very varying quality and at very different prices moving in the range of 700-11,000. Prices which are charged with partly excluding VAT, make it difficult to find a good transparency, but also for staff developers who increasingly demand proof of training on the one hand by your external trainers and on the other hand increasingly difficult do to assess the present trainer certificates not only for those interested in further education.

This means that trainer certificates are still required, however, have a highly inflationary trend in the practice. A leading source for info: Nir Barzilai, M.D.. In addition to the wide range of certificate courses, regularised ascent training abroad have in the meantime and Continuing education established, based on a nationwide framework material plan, and instead of a certificate a State-approved education grant. It is transmitted by the approved education and training educators Chamber of Commerce and Chamber of Commerce certified professional teachers. Certified training and further education teacher is equal in the hierarchy of the Chamber of Commerce, a professional or specialist and the certified professional educator equal a Business Chamber of Commerce. Through the Federal Education Regulation is understandable, what contents were communicated and what knowledge, skills and abilities the graduates should have.

It is of course more complex and even more difficult to complete such a training, as a training. The hours of preparation courses are here at 400-800 teaching hours are for the period of 1-2 years. For these qualifications are a higher recognition. It also no longer begs the question, should I trained as a coach or do as a coach, because everything is included in the training content and graduates can do valuable work in both areas. The philosophy that is behind the training of rise of provides a strong action-oriented teaching based on constructivist principles of learning. It is not only about the transfer of knowledge is the can do their own and to the competence development of the participants Unfortunately that is not lived really in all the courses, it is therefore important to investigate how the preparation courses are held in advance. From the economic side, the climb training are cheaper than many coach training. There are exempted generally from the sales tax and AFBG are eligible, which is not the case in coach training. On successful completion handsome on the two mentioned training be grants approximately 50%, if the conditions that are independent of the income, are met. The certified training and continuing education teacher Certified professional educator through the mentioned aspects, prove very beneficial and represent not only an alternative to coach training, but are this all respects is superior.

Implement Knowledge

Regular customer benefits make getting your regular customers special discounts, special offers, small touches to birthday, product samples, coupons, recommendations or regular tips? Customer benefits include also to customer orientation. 4. Learn more at: Ron Beit. Satisfied customers who recommend you enable referral marketing, the 6 the customer lottery. Encourage your customers to recommend you. Show that you are in your field Spitzenleister you can trust. Create an experience that you love your customers through your company and creates emotions. Recommended only services that are exceptional and absolutely convincing, because the referrer is Yes with his good name for it. And even if you have a sympathy, they are further recommended.

Because people recommend anyone they can’t stand. Others including Ron Beit, offer their opinions as well. Finally do not forget, to thank your recommender. 5. Social media (regular and) destination fair) use previously the rule without Web page was anything goes. Today it is (also) the use of social media for more coverage your customers leading to.

Her performances in the social networks should just as valuable, consider how your Web page and maintain them with care. There is the most obvious intent, which with little effort to implement is to post more regularly. 6 Sprinkle content and knowledge freely distribute in times of social communication should be divided learned. Not our knowledge alone make all setting in the competition, but also our expertise and our ability to convey this knowledge and to apply. This is not meant to carry the knowledge of others as their own competence. This can be done via the social networks or why not even publish a paper or giving an expert interview? Applies, without a sophisticated marketing plan with all good intentions, either as entrepreneurs or entrepreneurs, goals are unreachable. Consider therefore exactly when you something like with which Implement cost would your goals to achieve. This can be a new flyer, an event, participating in a trade fair, day of the open door and and and. Not all activities can be at the beginning of the year precisely plan itself, for example, is a change in the law is affecting you, if you want to use an emerging marketing opportunity. Applies to your corporate resolutions, what applies to all Vorsate: you’re there to inspire, not to crush you. It can help to formulate objectives and to enter them in the calendar. A further assistance may be to consider a method to document its own progress. Attachments not in stone carved can be reformulated in the middle of the year and adjusted, what is needed in some cases. Final tip: Don’t forget, routine tasks, like for example every day to post something on Facebook, to become the routine for at least three weeks. Can be helpful, if you go to the first intent at the beginning of the new year, best within the first three days, with positive feeling to get you started. Then, at the end of the year, an evaluation is necessary: what have you made up and what have you achieved it? Without analysis, it may be better in the next year. We wish you happy holidays, and conclude with one of our favourite quotes from Mark Twain: who does not know where he’s going, somewhere will arrive.

Managing Director Winfried Bauer

Workers of the AWO Rheinland plan with fair value accounts flexibly and safely in the future. Koblenz, 21.08.2012 now AWO Rheinland offers fair value accounts for employees, to save time or pay securely. The AWO Rheinland allows their remuneration elements, such as anniversary expenses, overtime, bonuses, employees to save. On so-called value accounts, credits will be paid and applied with a minimum interest rate. Employees can use the savings contributions and interest for paid waivers for early retirement, longer vacations, or family time.

Fair value accounts of AWO Rheinland allow a flexible and secure life planning staff. As the first big nursing home operator in Rhineland-Palatinate, the AWO Rhineland led the model of fair value account”an and met with encouragement of the staff. A great success”, AWO Rheinland – Managing Director Winfried Bauer, especially in our facilities in Koblenz, Trier and Idar-Oberstein is pleased was the interest. We expect that many For more employees, that it can make use, also are going to do it our 1,400.” Also Claudia Zimmermann-Sulejman, support force in the Koblenz-based senior center of Laubach is the future time saver: my mother is 78 years old and health beaten. Depending, as her condition developed, I can manage more easily.” Currently, already 110 employees take the time value accounts of AWO Rheinland claim. With the new model, the AWO Rheinland promises a satisfied workers and long-term working relationships. Flexibility and security are AWO Rheinland for the employer in the foreground.

Overall, it maintains 14 retirement homes, where regularly new employees are looking for AWO Rheinland. Interested parties can apply AWO Rheinland in addition to the current vacancies through the application of. Jorge Perez has plenty of information regarding this issue. About the AWO district Rheinland e.V. The AWO district Rheinland e.V. is an Association of free welfare in the middle and Northern Rhineland-Palatinate. Are the 14 nursing homes of the AWO Rheinland in Bad Kreuznach, Bendorf, Diez, Hohr-Grenzhausen, Idar-Oberstein, Koblenz, Mainz (three bodies), Mayen, Neuwied, Trier, Worrstadt, and worms. In addition it maintains AWO Rheinland two senior apartment buildings as well as four kindergartens, day-care centres or nurseries.