The first one signaled the end of the feudal monopoly that had reigned of form decentralized for all the medieval age, thus assuring, a dynamic development in the commercial transactions in lucrative ends, second if consubstanciava in the entronizao of the reason and mechanist developing of a universe managed for inflexible laws. In these sociocultural sources it is understood on account first reform of the one Industrial Capitalism, as Jose Jobson Arruda cites, in the book Modern History and Contemporary. It comments that: ‘ ‘ The Industrial Revolution provokes the third stage of the development of the capitalist system, now with the supremacy of the industrial activity. This new phase, called industrial capitalism, appeared in England, century XVIII, and was, to the few, if extending to the remaining portion of mundo’ ‘ (ARRUDA, 1979, p.12). Already second, it occurs for coming out of the Iluminista Movement of the beginning of century XVIII, this had connotations essentially directed toward the study of the nature and the society, as it comments Arruda: ‘ ‘ The use of the reason was considered indispensable to the understanding of natural phenomena social. According to iluministas, until the belief it had to be rationalized. Therefore, they were deists, that is, they believed that God was present in the nature and, as he is part of the nature, It also if he found gift in the heart of the proper man who can descobriz it through razo’ ‘ (ARRUDA, 1979, P.
137/138). In this context of evolucionistas ruptures, but also of paradigmtica uprising how much to the cavern-social gear, mainly in the art, the economy and science, we come across in them with great personages of the daily pay-contemporaneidade, who through its intelectivas gestations, had lead to an inconceivable zenith in the dimension of the empirical human knowledge of the time.