Perhaps over time, if it is that we do not desist before, fate us rewards with a more sensitive ear that can listen to our hearts and that we have been avoiding listening for many years. A voice that tells us that the road is lonely because transformation isn’t group; but individual and that it is necessary so to be able to deal with what comes. To listen to our heart we required other payment: overcome fear. Credit: Related Group-2011. We are afraid to go where nobody dares and do things that seem impossible. To overcome the fear we have to change our way of being and of measuring success; Since the triumph does not mean having money, or a good position or material goods. The real triumph is to transform us in what we want to be. Produces fear to listen to the heart because it reminds us who we really are.
Defeating fear not necessarily we guarantee a goal, but once expired there is no going back, would be something like in the Matrix movie, once we get out of it, return it would be a difficult to continue lie. The transformation has begun it is painful and its completion depends on so many we cling to our past, to some it may be lifetime, for others a moment of decision would be sufficient. Realistically it will take us some time because only in movies or books you can see people who reach everything in a matter of days. The wise know that the objective or the goal are not as important as the process. Process lies the true realization, although it is easier said that accept it. When we realize our destiny we realize that the goal is not to achieve something; but live it. The way of realization is integral and slowly strengthens the different environments of our life.