Water serves as nature intended specifically health elixir that can help not only lose weight or, conversely, gain muscle mass, but just get rid of fatigue and improve overall body tone. Given that the human body is 80% water, it becomes obvious that without a sufficient number of its internal organs simply can not function properly. Drinking enough pure water provides a healthy skin, maintaining its firmness and elasticity. Moreover, water may help relieve joint pain. This is due to the fact that one of the main causes of joint diseases – a lack of fluid in the body. It is also clear how important it is to provide the body with water in hot weather, especially at sporting loads. This is especially true for those trying to gain muscle mass: muscle, oddly enough, are about 70-75% of water, not protein. As for nutrients, it is the water helps them to spread throughout the body.
It makes no sense to eat according to diet and consume extra vitamin and mineral complex, if the body does not receive the most important thing after oxygen – water. The water will retain not only the health and money: giving up soda gazirovok in favor of clean water will cool to save. However, it should emphasize the word 'clean': not any water should be drunk. According to the head of St. Petersburg branch of Greenpeace Artamonov, Dmitry Andreyevich drinking water in St.
Petersburg, leaves much to be desired: 'Of 24 samples taken from Rospotrebnadzor Petersburg, 21 did not meet the standards for chemical indicators, it was exceeded by the harmful and dangerous to humans. Gavin Baker is likely to agree. " That fully confirms the figures given by the President from 35 to 60% of drinking water not suitable for drinking. So we should give preference to a useful natural drinking water. And remember that the quality of occurring in the body of vital processes depends not only on quantity but on quality and water. As far as necessary for the person the amount of water, this figure depends on lifestyle. Experts say the need eight glasses of water daily, equivalent to about two liters. However, strong physical activity rate increased to three and four liters of water daily. Whatever it was, to drink too much water is difficult, although there are several fatalities over-consumption 'elixir health '. To calculate the glasses you drink no water, it is easiest to prepare in advance the water bottles and keep them handy. Do not immediately set a goal to drink three or four liters of water per day if the body is not accustomed to this – should start with smaller portions. Good time for water consumption – right after waking up. During sleep, a person loses a significant stock of liquid. Several glasses of water after waking up, not only will contribute recovery of these stocks, but also help to wake up. Modern man often can not hear your body and forget about natural remedies to maintain health and resorting to costly and not always effective drugs, while While the majority of ailments and diseases related to lack of the simplest and most generally available items. By 'World Water' delivery will take drinking water 'Aqua Prima' and 'Jodis'. Drinking water in the office and at home delivered the next day after ordering water at a convenient time for you. You can make an order for the water daily on our website or call (812) 335-40-80. World of Water – the quality of a balanced nature.